英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:24:51



英 [ˈɑ:tləs]

美 [ˈɑ:rtləs]


副词: artlessly 名词: artlessness

  • 英英释义

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1. simple and natural
without cunning or deceit

e.g. an artless manner
artless elegance

2. characterized by an inability to mask your feelings
not devious

e.g. an ingenuous admission of responsibility

Synonym: ingenuous

3. (of persons) lacking art or knowledge

Synonym: uncultivateduncultured

4. showing lack of art

e.g. an artless translation

1. 单纯的;诚实的;不耍手段的
Someone who is artless is simple and honest, and does not think of deceiving other people.

e.g. She was curiously artless.
e.g. ...Hemingway's artless air and charming smile.

1. 朴实的:最大负伤增加1-2% 朴实的(Artless) dex+3,纺织E以上最大体力减少6 兔子(Rabbit) 等级10以上最大体力减少1,


2. 单纯的:armless 无武器的 | artless 单纯的 | authorless 作者不祥的


3. 粗俗的,自然的:artisan 匠人 | artless 粗俗的,自然的 | artistic 艺术的

4. artless

4. 朴素,无虚饰,天真烂漫:airless,无空气,空气不流通 | artless,朴素,无虚饰,天真烂漫 | bless,保佑,神圣,愉快,祝/幸福

  • 经典引文

  • The work in which I engaged is generally considered..as the proper toil of artless industry.

    出自:S. Johnson
  • A shadowy lifesartless, joyless, loveless.

    出自:J. Ruskin
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

I love to look up at treetops to watch tiny buds with their tender yellowish green tinged with an artless pink.(我喜欢抬头看树梢尖尖的小芽儿,极嫩的黄绿色里透着一派天真的粉红。)
Her countenance and a few artless words fully conveyed all her gratitude and delight.(她的表情和寥寥几句质朴无华的语言已充分表达了她的感激与高兴。)
Through rein in to race-entry works Friedrich Burgnlueller's Piano essay"Innocent and Artless" and "Farewell" making piano lesson teaching.(通过对参赛作品布格缪勒钢琴小品《天真烂漫》和《再会》教学的制作实践,对高师钢琴课教学进行了有益的探索。)
She is an artless, vivacious girl.(她是一个天真活泼的女孩。)
The thesis attempts to have a thorough study of the style transition in BiFeiyu's novel creation from the aspect of its "artless realism".(本文力图从毕飞宇小说中“朴素的‘现实主义'”内容出发,从一个全新的角度,完整的对毕飞宇小说创作流变进行研究。)
She wrote in her sapce that she is an artless and happy girl at school.(她在博客上说在学校她是一个天然无雕饰的快乐女孩儿。)
Take a broad view of her word, no matter the one that display the teenager is artless and vivacious, or reflect couple married for the first time tender feeling;(综观她的词,无论是表现少年的天真活泼,还是反映初嫁的夫妻温情;)
You can't get up that naturalness and artless rosy tint in after days.(你今后不再会有这种自然和朴实无华的红润脸色。)
He was no longer the artless pen of old days, so brave, so artless, so impetuous, and tender.(他不再是过去那个天真纯朴的潘,那么勇敢、那么坦率、那么鲁莽、又那么温柔的潘。)
I love school and kindergarten because I think teach children is very artless and pure.(我喜欢学校和幼儿园是因为跟孩子们在一起比较单纯的。)
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