英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:40:43



英 [əˈsæsɪneɪt]

美 [əˈsæsəneɪt]


形容词: assassinative 名词: assassination 过去式: assassinated 过去分词: assassinated 现在分词: assassinating 第三人称单数: assassinates

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  • 暗杀,行刺,谋杀,对…行刺
  • 中伤,诋毁,糟蹋,破坏


1. destroy or damage seriously, as of someone's reputation

e.g. He assassinated his enemy's character

2. murder
especially of socially prominent persons

e.g. Anwar Sadat was assassinated because many people did not like his peace politics with Israel

1. 行刺;暗杀
When someone important is assassinated, they are murdered as a political act.

e.g. Would the USA be radically different today if Kennedy had not been assassinated?...
e.g. The plot to assassinate Martin Luther King had started long before he was actually killed.

She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband...
He lives in constant fear of assassination.
...an assassination plot.

1. 暗杀:兵模式(-supercreep)中的随机性问题.修改了死灵书(Necronomicon)以修正一些魔兽引擎自有的问题.修正了在使用无敌斩(Omnislash)的过程中能启动其他技能的问题.修正了暗杀(Assassinate)作为一种负面buff会造成的问题.在死亡模式中,

2. 刺杀:投降 surrender | 刺杀 assassinate | 德意志的统一 Unification of Germany

3. 行刺,暗杀:assassin 刺客 | assassinate 行刺,暗杀 | leisure 休闲

4. assassinate的近义词

4. 暗杀;行刺:assail 抨击,指责 | assassinate 暗杀;行刺 | assault 攻击;袭击

  • 经典引文

  • If the authorities wanted to get rid of her she would have to be assassinated.

    出自:M. Spark
  • Palestinian guerillas sought..to assassinate King Hussein, attacking his motorcade.

    出自:H. Kissinger
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The BBC has learnt that South African intelligence officers have foiled a third attempt to assassinate the former Rwandan chief of staff, Kayumba Nyamwasa.(BBC获悉,南非情报部门第三次粉碎了暗杀卢旺达前情报官员KayumbaNyamwasa的阴谋。)
He caused the deaths of so many Libyans, and he is afraid one of the rebels will try to assassinate him.... The rebels are tightening the leash around his neck.(他导致如此多的利比亚人死亡,他害怕反对派将会试图暗杀他……反对派正在勒紧他脖子上的皮带。)
They have been angered by an apparent campaign by Israeli agents to assassinate Hamas people abroad, most notably Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in January.(他们对以色列特工在国外暗杀哈马斯成员的公然行径感到愤怒,最明显的就是一月份发生在迪拜的Mahmoudal-Mabhouh遇刺事件。)
The government has denied that the authorities have uncovered a plot to assassinate the president.(政府否认当局已经发现一个暗杀总统的阴谋。)
Fiesco and Gabriele are led in, and Paolo tries to convince the old man to assassinate the doge, while inciting Gabriele with insinuations about Boccanegra's relationship with Amelia.(菲耶斯科和加布里埃尔被领入,保罗试图说服老人去刺杀总督,并影射波卡涅拉与阿米莉亚关系暧昧以煽动加布里埃尔。)
Perhaps they intend to assassinate me.(也许他们是想行刺我。)
In 1981, when John Hinckley tried to assassinate him, he cracked a string of jokes while doctors were dealing with near-fatal lung wounds.(1981年约翰·欣克利(JohnHinckley)实施了针对他的刺杀行动,让他险些失去生命。在医生忙着处理那靠近肺部伤口时,他居然还在讲着一连串的笑话。)
Jack admits the truth to Simes about his family's kidnapping and the plot to assassinate Palmer, but Simes doesn't have the authority or the inclination to release him.(杰克把事实告知了西梅斯——他的家人被绑架了,有人试图阴谋刺杀帕默。但西梅斯没有职权——也没有意愿——放他走。)
Secretary: President of the Steel Trust, you mean? Do you want to assassinate him?(秘书:你是说,钢铁托拉斯的总经理?你要行刺他吗。)
assassinate是什么意思 assassinate在线翻译 assassinate什么意思 assassinate的意思 assassinate的翻译 assassinate的解释 assassinate的发音 assassinate的同义词