英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:42:54



英 [ˈæstərɪsk]

美 [ˈæstəˌrɪsk]


过去式: asterisked 过去分词: asterisked 现在分词: asterisking 第三人称单数: asterisks

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1. a star-shaped character * used in printing

Synonym: star


1. mark with an asterisk

e.g. Linguists star unacceptable sentences

Synonym: star

1. 星号(即*,尤用于表示文中另外一处有更多信息)
An asterisk is the sign *. It is used especially to indicate that there is further information about something in another part of the text.

1. 星号:删节号又称省略号.通常用来表示引文中的省略部分或话语中未能说完的部分.也可表示话语中断断续续的停顿.星号(Asterisk)有时也用来表示省略.但此用法在现代英语中已渐渐消失.删节号的用法为:

2. 号:但此用法在当代英语中已逐渐消逝,删节号的用法为:删节号又称省略号,通常用来表现引文中的省略局部或话语中未能说完的局部,也可表现话语中断断续续的停顿. 星号(Asterisk)偶然也用来表现省略,但此用法在当代英语中已慢慢消逝,删节号的用法为:

3. asterisk什么意思

3. 标星号:associative phrase 联想词组 | asterisk 标星号 | attested 经证实的

4. 星号;星状物;加星号于:Asterichnites 星形迹 | asterisk 星号;星状物;加星号于 | asterism 星群;星状图形;三星标;星芒

For example, a single asterisk and a double asterisk have nearly the same meaning.(例如,一个星号和两个星号的含义几乎相同。)
Required properties will have an asterisk next to them.(必要属性旁边有一个星号。)
The asterisk to the left of the story indicates that the changes have not been saved yet.(事例左边的星号,意味着更改现在尚未得到保存。)
Digium has released the latest version of its free and open source VoIP software Asterisk.(Digium刚刚推出了最新版免费开源网络电话软件Asterisk。)
I've placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first.(我在要你首先完成的任务旁边标上了星号。)
The asterisk matches zero or more characters delimited by a dot character.(星号可匹配由点分隔的零个或多个字符。)
Be aware that the double asterisk matches zero or more nodes, not one or more nodes.(请注意,两个星号将匹配零个或多个节点,而不是一个或多个节点。)
The question mark and asterisk can be used more than once in the same profile.(可以在相同配置文件中使用多个问号和星号。)
The plug-in names followed by an asterisk are those that were loaded during startup.(后面跟有一个星号的插件名是那些在启动的时候就加载的插件。)
The final period asterisk, .*, just represents the rest of the text (which isn't if interest).(最后的点号和星号.*仅代表文本的余下部分(对它没有兴趣)。)
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