英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:44:15
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. in a lengthy or prolix manner

e.g. the argument went on lengthily
she talked at length about the problem

Synonym: lengthily

1. 最终,终于:at last 终于 | at length 最终,终于 | at most 至多,不超过

2. 终于,最后;详细地:at least / / 至少,最低限度 | at length / / 终于,最后;详细地 | at no time / / 从不,决不

3. 最后,终于:take leave of 向...告别 | at length 最后,终于 | go to great lengths 竭尽全力

4. 最终,详细地:at least至少 | at length 最终,详细地; | at most最多

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He explained the legal rights of the people at length.(他详细地解释了人民的合法权利。)
Both have advantages and disadvantages that will be discussed at length in this document.(二者都有优势和劣势,这些将在本文最后进行讨论。)
But the nursery being at length free of visitors, she made herself some recompense for her late restraint.(但是当育儿室终于摆脱了这两位来客之后,她对自己刚才所受的压抑多少进行了一些补偿。)
He remained standing a while, and at length inquired if he too could not be a doctor.(他站了一会儿,最后问他自己是不是也能当医生。)
But they did pass away, and Mr. And Mrs. Gardiner, with their four children, did at length appear at Longbourn.(可是四个星期毕竟过去了,嘉丁纳夫妇终于带着他们的四个孩子来到浪搏恩。)
I could speak of any of these topics at length but today our question is about digital divide.(我可以就任何诸如此类的主题发表滔滔不绝地长篇大论,然而今天我们所讨论的重点是数字鸿沟问题。)
She passed a part of the night in delirium and raving. At length, however, she fell asleep.(她在昏迷中大声叫喊,胡言乱语,闹了大半夜,到后来却睡着了。)
Some of those wound up with the Wall Street Journal, which examines them at length in Saturday's paper.(他们中的一些人接受了华尔街日报的采访,周六的报纸详细报道了这件事。)
Its ethics committee will investigate the allegation, no doubt at length.(道德事务委员会将对该指控进行调查,无疑要弄个水落石出。)
“I’ve talked this over at length with my nephews and nieces,” she says.(她说:“我已经同侄子,侄女们详尽地谈过了。)
at length是什么意思 at length在线翻译 at length什么意思 at length的意思 at length的翻译 at length的解释 at length的发音 at length的同义词