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更新时间:2025-03-17 07:49:28
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at one with

1. An operator with Aramco said there was no one available at the company to comment after business hours.

2. At one stage things got so tight he had to sell his house and live in a caravan with his wife Jo.

3. To begin with I could only hold two plates at one time but in the end I could carry dozens of plates at a time.

4. The light blue glass vase is only one centimeter high, with a one centimeter diameter at its center.

5. " Real change with a real woman, " read one sign at a Wisconsin rally.

6. The chaplain is one of three men with contact with the terrorism suspects at Guantanamo to face charges.

7. Several buyers from some big US companies are already in talks with Chateau Glory, with one of them eager to buy 30 to 40 units at one go.

8. With no need to hurry, one can sit down to chew on delicacies at ease.

9. One who appeared upset at being chosen was excused, meaning the trial will proceed with 12 jurors and five alternates instead of six.

10. Jordan team crew work on their Formula One car with a Welcome China design at Shanghai Circuit.

at one with是什么意思

1. For the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with any Restricted Business deal with any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of transferring business; and

2. at one with

2. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with any Restricted Business deal with any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of transferring business; and

3. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a supplier of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of transferring business; and

4. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business, solicit the custom of or endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of transferring business; and

5. at one with

5. Aiming at the characteristics of ship power system, two hybrid intelligent rough control methods were presented for the first time. The one is an adaptive neural PID control strategy based on RS-RBF neural networks identification; another one is excitation compound control method with rough neural inverse system feed forward compensation. The simulation results prove the validity of these methods.

6. A few experts had discussed this one issue, more unanimous opinion is, wear high-heeled shoes, wear the high-heeled shoes with very high heel especially, fraud big profit at, it is adverse to the person's health and safety especially.

7. at one with的翻译

7. Similar results emerged from brain-scanning experiments by Paul Smeets, a neuroscientist at Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, in which he fed volunteers two versions of an orangeade drink. One was sweetened with sugar and one with a blend of the non-calorific sweeteners aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate and acesulfame potassium.
同样的结果出现在由 Paul Smeets 进行的大脑扫描试验,Paul Smeets是荷兰乌地勒支大学医疗中心的神经学家,试验中他给志愿者两种橘子水喝,一种放入糖使其变甜,而另一种放入不含卡路里 aspartame、saccharin、cyclamate and acesulfame potassium的混合甜味料。

8. Every male person being twenty-one years of age, and resident in any particular town in this commonwealth, for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within the same town, of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, shall have a right to vote in the choice of a representative or representatives for the said town.术. v. the members of the house of representatives shall be chosen annually in the month of may, ten days at least before the last wednesday of that month.术.. the house of representatives shall be the grand inquest of this commonwealth; and all impeachments made by them shall be heard and tried by the senate.术.. all money bills shall originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills.
术。。议院应选举,返回最后法官,和自己的成员资格,正如在宪法,并应于上周三5月,每年确定和宣布谁是eah区内选出是参议员由多数票,并在有不得返回的参议员的总人数,由各区民政票多数当选,供应不足,应以下列方式,即:房子的成员代表,例如参议员的应被宣布当选,应作为应发现在这类地区的票数最高的这些人的姓名,并没有当选,相当于两倍的参议员人数的希望,如果有这么许多赞成,并指出,这些应以抽签方式选出的参议员人数不足以填补这些地区的空缺; inthis的方式对所有这些职位空缺,须填写的每一个联邦区设立,并以同样的方式在所有空缺在参议院,由去世而出现的,从国家或其他地方进行,应提供可尽快将这些空缺之后发生。

9. The hierarchical linear model results indicated that at the student level, students` background information, learning attitude, socioeconomic status, family educational resource were significantly correlated with academic gain scores. On one hand, being in academic gifted class, male with Taiwan-Min nationality and good-family-background had high academic promotion. On the other hand, if students had better learning attitudes, higher socio-economic status and less negative cultural behaviors, their academic gain scores will be better.

10. So here's one last look at my wedding gown with its future owner.

11. at one with在线翻译

11. During the immersion process, both specimens exhibited two kinds of impedance diagrams, two capacitive loops at the initial stage and one capacitive with one inductive loop at the later stage.


12. At the very end of the show people were shown the famous trick – a bottle of champagne was attached to one bucket of an excavator, and on the bucket of another excavator there were two glasses, and the driver of the first vehicle was to fill them up with the help of the bucket and dexterity.

13. The Astoria's a valadictory building, a place you play when you think you've first connected with people, a right of passage to go to your first gigs there and dream of one day headlining there, to spill out into the west end late at night and dissapear down alleys to find your favourite caf or late night bar, a hotch potch of people and cultures all colliding and a feeling of great joy bring able to have such a fantastic venue in the heart of one of the greatest musical cities in the world, the experience in future will be all the more suburban. The future?

14. at one with的翻译

14. People look at the poor more than one position alone, to talk with others.

15. Relatively shop at leaving the country, direct overseas website shops more be to one's profit, it is with Nanjing exemple, the expenditure that goes back and forth between 3 night two days to Hong Kong on the weekend is probably 3500 go to 5000 yuan, this is hit namely probably lose season a LV or the price of GUCCI handbag, and shop on website of direct now overseas, can save this cost come down.

16. at one with在线翻译

16. We believe that human beings thrive best when we are at one with nature.

17. At least one air passageway is provided in fluid communication with the at least one air port and in operational relationship with the air filter.

18. One day return home, while no one at home, Liu Qian picked up a knife, just in time, her mother called her daughter inside, Liu Qian very heart tremor, with his daughter cried.

19. Another day in September, I dined with one of my American colleagues at a Buffet Restaurant.

20. The one sacrifice of co-op (at least in my experience with RE5) is that you lose all sense of horror.

  • 临近词

One assumes, a priori, that a parent would be better at dealing with problems.(人们通常推论,父母更善于处理问题。)
I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.(我将带着巨大的愉悦回首这件事。)
This obligation included both entertainment and instruction, which are not, says Baym, at odds with one another in these books, nor is entertainment the sweet coating on a didactic pill.(贝姆说,这种义务既包括娱乐也包括指导,在这些书中两者并不矛盾,娱乐也不是披在说教药丸上的甜蜜外衣。)
But that is how God intended it when he made this world — happy and at one with Him.(但是这正是上帝在创造之初的设想——幸福,与上帝同在。)
Mindfulness also makes people feel more connected to other people-that empathic feeling of being "at one with the universe."(正念也使人们感到与他人关系更密切——那种“与宇宙合一”的心意相通的感觉。)
He was stricken at twenty-one with a crippling malady.(二十一岁时腿瘸疾病让他受到重击。)
"We are not prepared," said they, "to stay with a man who kills seven at one stroke."(他们说:“我们没准备好和一个一下子打死了七个人的人一起共事。”)
Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.(她的起居室两全其美,一端是个办公室,另一端有舒服的沙发。)
Notwithstanding, all nicety of calculations, the real course of Uranus would not at all agree with the one computed.(不过,即使是完全准确的计算,其结果与天王星的实际运行轨迹也并不完全一致。)
He struck at one with his knife lashed to the end of an oar and watched the scavenger sliding down into deep water.(他用绑在桨的一头的刀子击中了其中的一条,并看着这条食腐动物滑到深海里去了。)
at one with是什么意思 at one with在线翻译 at one with什么意思 at one with的意思 at one with的翻译 at one with的解释 at one with的发音 at one with的同义词