英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:33:32



英 [ɔ:ˈdɪʃn]

美 [ɔˈdɪʃən]



过去式: auditioned 过去分词: auditioned 现在分词: auditioning 第三人称单数: auditions

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  • 试听
  • 听觉
  • 听力
  • 声量检查
  • 音量检查
  • 试演
  • 试音
  • 试唱
  • 听能
  • 试听
  • 试演
  • 试唱
  • 对(某人)面试
  • 让(某人)试演
  • 试发声


1. a test of the suitability of a performer

Synonym: tryout

2. the ability to hear
the auditory faculty

e.g. his hearing was impaired

Synonym: hearingauditory sensesense of hearingauditory modality



1. perform in order to get a role

e.g. She auditioned for a role on Broadway

Synonym: try out

1. (艺人等的)试镜,试演,试唱,试奏
An audition is a short performance given by an actor, dancer, or musician so that a director or conductor can decide if they are good enough to be in a play, film, or orchestra.

2. 试镜;让…试演(或试唱、试音)
If you audition or if someone auditions you, you do an audition.

e.g. I was auditioning for the part of a jealous girlfriend...
e.g. They're auditioning for new members of the cast for 'Miss Saigon' today...

1. 听觉:A代表听觉(audition),利用助听器及音响扩大器进行听觉教学;V代表视觉(vision),聋童利用视觉观察教师脸部及口唇的动作以学习读话;K代表动觉(kinesthesis),聋童利用触觉、运动觉,触摸教师的面颊,口部及喉部,觉察发音时面部肌肉和喉头肌振动情况,

2. 试镜:芳龄78的芭芭拉华特斯上欧普拉的脱口秀节目宣传回忆录<>(Audition)时,揭露自己在1970年代曾与共和党籍联邦参议员布鲁克有过一段长达五年的婚外恋.

  • 经典引文

  • All that the critic can do for the reader or audience or spectator is to focus his gaze or audition.

    出自:E. Pound
The goal at an audition-or an interview with an agent, for that matter-is to look like you, only better.(试镜的目的是-或者是经理人的面试,重要的是-看起来像你,而且是更好的你。)
I was at a dance company and everyone was going out for this audition, and I went.(我属于一个舞蹈公司,里面所有的人都去参加面试,我也去了。)
She is expected to perform her audition song I Dreamed a Dream.(届时,她将演唱选秀时的试唱歌曲《我曾有梦》。)
I think it's the most exciting audition I've ever seen in the show.(这是我在节目中看过最精彩的海选。)
We've been called the visual primate, and the size of our visual cortex dwarfs the neural platform assigned to audition.(我们一直被称为“视觉类灵长目动物”,而我们视觉体系的规模让听觉神经系统相形见绌。)
The tiny schoolgirl stunned Britain’s Got Talent judges and the audience with her powerful voice during her audition.(参加英国达人试镜时,评委和全场观众都被她浑厚的嗓音震惊了。)
She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her.(她写了信给派拉蒙电影公司,问他们是否能让她试镜。)
They were using the mustard-jar scene in the audition.(他们那时准备用芥末酱罐头的一段戏来试镜。)
First, approach this question - and indeed, every interview question - as an audition.(首先,对待这个问题——而事实上,应对待每一个面试问题——像试镜一样。)
While reading lines in the audition, all I could think about was getting back home to play more GTA.(所以当我在试镜念稿的时候,我脑子想的只有赶快回家玩侠盗飞车。)
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