英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 07:56:58



英 [ˈɔ:gə(r)]

美 [ˈɔɡɚ]


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1. hand tool for boring holes

Synonym: gimletscrew augerwimble

2. a long flexible steel coil for dislodging stoppages in curved pipes

Synonym: plumber's snake

1. 钻:溶栓药(尿激酶或tPA)已经被用作血肿清除的辅助方法,尤其是在血肿抽吸术时,其他机械方法还包括超声抽吸、螺旋颅钻(auger)、改良颅锥(modified nucleotomes)和水流冲洗(water-jet techniques)等.


2. 螺丝钻:体积控制型主要是通过控制单位时间饲予粉末体积达到精确饲料,由于大多数体积控制型饲料器是通过螺丝钻(auger)完成饲料过程,因此,必须保证粉末充满钻孔,否则难以定量,物料从加料斗到钻孔的输送可由重力、振摇等作用完成.

3. auger是什么意思

3. 奥杰:1928年法国人奥杰(Auger)发现了这个现象,当一个电子射入固体后,可以将原子内壳层的电子激发到高能态,然后处於亚稳态的高能态会自发跃迁返回低能态并放出X射线.

Water well drillers may specialize in a specific method of drilling, such as cable, rotary, auger, hammer or reverse circulation drilling.(水井钻井工可能会专注于一个特定的钻探方法,如电缆,旋转,钻,锤或反向循环钻探。)
The characteristics of Auger depth profile as a method for superlattice structure analysis, as well as its limitations, are discussed.(讨论了用俄歇深度剖面分布作超晶格结构分析的特点及其局限性。)
Already the Snowblast's huge auger blades were engorging snow.(扬雪车上庞大的钻头叶片在开始大量吞进积雪。)
On the game of mahjong game : very cute, and pumpkin head, a lot of ghosts captain, Auger together in a form of ghosts!(游戏介绍:极度可爱的麻将游戏,和南瓜头、鬼盗船长、奥格一起,来一个鬼神对决吧!)
Auger electron Spectrscopy (AES) has widespread use in determining the chemical and electronic structure of solid surface (40a).(俄歇电子谱仪广泛地利用来确定固体表面的化学和电子结构(40A)。)
Combined with engineering example the characteristics of auger drill and construction defects for special strata are discussed.(结合工程实例,论证了旋挖钻机的特点及在特殊地层的施工缺陷。)
If the auger is operated slowly, we could take out as little as a cubic centimetre of material at a time.(如果让钻头缓慢地工作,我们每次能取出只有一立方厘米那么点的泥土。)
Annular cutters, Rail cutters, Auger bits.(钢板钻,铁轨钻,木工钻。)
The simulation of the Auger electron emissions in scanning probe electron energy spectrometer (SPEES) is reported.(报道了对扫描探针电子能谱仪(SPEES)中俄歇电子出射的理论模拟研究。)
Fixed: Quickly switching from auger or chainsaw to any item causes the animation of holding that item to be corrupted.(修正:快速从螺旋或电锯开关的任何项目的原因认为项目动画被损坏。)
auger是什么意思 auger在线翻译 auger什么意思 auger的意思 auger的翻译 auger的解释 auger的发音 auger的同义词