The final step is auto activation, in which the virtual machine is powered on and the activation scripts automatically run, using information from the v-floppy parameter file.(最后一个步骤是自动激活,在这个步骤中启动虚拟机,激活脚本将自动地运行,并且使用来自v-floppy参数文件的信息。)
By choosing Rerun with auto-emulate, you can run with the same input values and use the same response values for the manual emulators as were used in the previous run.(通过选择Rerunwithauto-emulate,您可以使用相同的输入值运行,并将相同的响应值用于前一个运行中使用的手动模拟器。)
Thousands of successful conversions around the world have demonstrated that the technology in the Run Auto With Water system works!(数以千计的世界各地的成功转换已经证明该技术在运行自动随著供水系统的工程!)
Auto execs still fear they'll run out of time before they can win enough support.(汽车产业高层害怕没有时间赢得足够支持。)
Stop running, press the "Auto run Stop" button.(停止运行,按“自动运行停止”按钮即可。)
The number lock key toggled auto-run, and a lot of the action was set to right click on the mouse.(“numberlock”键定义为自动快跑,鼠标右键可以用来完成很多行动。)
Press the "Auto Run Start" button.(按“自动运行起动”按钮。)
The main function of the controller: make heat, make cool, dehumidify, rotation fan, auto run, timing run, auto defrost, sleeping run and so on is also presented.(阐述了控制器的主要功能:制热、除湿、通风、自动运行、定时运行、自动除霜、睡眠等。)
Multimedia CD. No Installation and Chinese Software needed. Auto-run. Easy and Convenient to use and operate.(多媒体学习光盘,无需安装,直接运行,使用简便。无需华文软件。)
Volkswagen is in discussions with one of its two Chinese partners about the possibility of starting a new jointly-run brand, a person close to the German auto maker said.(一位与大众过从甚密的人士说,大众正与其两个中国合作伙伴之一就是否可能新建一个共同经营的品牌进行谈判。)
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