英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:42:46


英 [ˈbeəfeɪst]

美 [ˈberfeɪst]


副词: barefacedly 名词: barefacedness

  • 网络解释

1. barefaced的反义词

1. 公然的:bareboat 空船的 | barefaced 公然的 | barefisted 赤手空拳的


2. 厚颜无耻:361 厚臉皮 have a lot of nerve 0 433000 | 362 厚顏無恥 barefaced 0 391000 | 363 哀嚎 cry 0 550000

3. 厚颜无耻的:fragile 脆弱 | barefaced 厚颜无耻的 | defenceless 脆弱的(不设防的,无保护的)

4. 不要脸的:lmao=laugh my ass out笑死我了 | barefaced :不要脸的 | split up 分手

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Choose to be a barefaced liar or a truthful person and find out who is bluffing to stay in the game!(选择做个公然说谎者或做个真正诚实的人,并找出谁是游戏里的骗子!)
So Rob is a 'barefaced liar' because he's obviously telling a lie without any embarrassment.(因此罗布是一个“厚颜无耻的说谎者”,因为他显然是在不知羞耻地说谎。)
John was at the pub last night bragging about his goal-scoring again - but we all know he's a barefaced liar.(昨晚约翰又在酒吧吹嘘他的进球得分,但我们都知道他是个厚颜无耻的说谎者。)
Reach " barefaced affront other is concoctive perhaps the fact is calumniatory other " wait for case.(及“公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人”等情形。)
Huh! Barefaced cheek!(哈!厚颜无耻!)
Barefaced? No no, this really is my hairy face -look!(没有胡子的脸?不不,我的脸实际上是毛茸茸的。看!)
Don't hurt a girl for the sake of your chap, the boy who love you have to be disapprove of such barefaced thing.(不要为了男生伤害女生,爱你的男生不会要你做这种龌龊的事。)
It is for instance when interview alone the immediate consequence of assist some adviser is the not small loss on the mark, in addition fine words does not say to get too too barefaced, disgusting.(比如在面试时独赞某一导师的直接后果是分数上的不小损失,此外好话不要说得太露骨、太肉麻。)
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