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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:45:51
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be born的解释

1. He emphasized the importance of open minded negotiations over the dispute, saying " nothing will be born if we only act on the basis of principles ".

2. The Chinese folk adage has it that one should be born in Suzhou or Hangzhou, and die in Mount Beimang of Luoyang.

3. The first check concluded the baby would probably be born with Down's syndrome, but the next two said it would be fine.

4. Born into a lawyers'family, the law seemed to be his obvious choice as a career.

5. This article outlines key issues that should be born in mind when applying for trademark registrations in the CIS region.

6. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with an intellectual silver spoon, but most people can make improvements with conscientious effort.

7. If the panda's gestation signs are correct, this will be the first cub born in Japan's oldest zoo since 1988.

8. If the artificial efforts prove to be successful, the cubs that the pair produces will become the first pandas born on the island.

9. Nearly one million babies were born with defects in China each year, of whom just 30 percent could be cured or treated.

10. In Chinese folklore, girls born in Tiger years seem to be cursed.

be born的意思

1. We do not choose to be born. We do not to chooose our parents.

2. be born

2. In order to be able to let you know more fashionable intimate European-style cake natural world, sokingwo Shang Ti 5 ° to launch a free dessert tasting party activity, regardless of your dinner are units, departments, meetings, or friends have been born as long as your number of participants at more than 16 people less than 20 people, sokingwo Shang Ti 5 ° will give you a free taste is still a birthday cake 5 ° Ti opportunities you just need early evening 9:00 --- 5:00 call our hotline free sample 028 - 83422700 application.
为了让你们能够更加亲密的了解风靡全球的天然欧式蛋糕,sokingwo尚缇5°推出聚会免费甜点品尝活动,不论你们是单位聚餐,部门聚会,还是友人过生,只要你们与会人数在16人以上20人以内,sokingwo尚缇5°将会提供给你们一次免费品尝尚缇5°生日蛋糕的机会,仅仅需要你早9点---晚5点拨打我们的免费品尝热线028- 83422700报名。

3. be born的近义词

3. The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years.

4. An added and important aspect of all of this was the chance to be near my mother, who was by this time in not very good health; to come back to China, where I had been born and spent the happiest of childhoods, was an extra bonus.

5. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn`t give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.

6. be born

6. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.

7. It`s better to be born lucky than rich.

8. We must, as it were, be born again to a new life in Christ.

9. be born什么意思

9. If you are a born again believer in Jesus, this may well be one of the most important books, other than your Bible, that you read.

10. Confucius was born in mountain Li, growing up in Jieli, teaching in Xintan, administering in the capital of Lu, be buried in Sishang, remained a lot of relics in Qubu, the offsprings also built numerous buidings for commemorating him.

11. It always seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.

12. be born的反义词

12. Be born in the propel; be raddled in purple.

13. This gentle flicker of an eye could be a sign that the fetus, still with a month to go before being born, is already dreaming.

14. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

15. be born的翻译

15. You may be born with a hernia or develop one over time.

16. Sometimes babies with EBS can be born with extensive skin loss, however improvement almost always occurs with age.

17. I was born to be an actrice.

18. No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. We are born into the world like a blank canvas. And each person that crosses our path takes up the brush and makes their mark upon our surface… so it is that we develop. But we must realize that there comes a day that we must take up the brush and finish the work. For only we can determine if we are going to be just another painting… or a masterpiece.

19. Being a Taiwanese person raised on American soil, one might find difficulty in truly understanding what it means to be Taiwanese. A person is not Taiwanese simply because his or her parents were born in Taiwan. One has to remember their roots and where they came from.

20. be born在线翻译

20. Those movements endeavored to open a century that was reluctant to be born; our architectures try to exorcize the closing of a century that is disinclined to die.
作者Luis Fernandez-Galiano指出,二十世纪的前卫艺术运动旨在打开一个不情愿诞生的新世纪。而现在的新一代建筑师们则试图祓除令人厌倦的世纪末的闭锁。

A baby will be born tomorrow morning.(明天上午将会有一个婴儿出生。)
Only in my kingdom could such a wise little girl be born!(只有在我的王国里才会有这么聪明的小女孩!)
No one can remember what it is like to be born.(没有人能够记得诞生时的样子。)
It wasn't meant to be born that way.(它并不是命中注定就要以那种方式出生。)
Their hope was that a new and better East Germany could be born.(他们的希望是一个全新更好的东德能诞生。)
We can't all be born rich, handsome, and lucky.(但我们不可能人人都生而富有、英俊和幸运。)
Unfortunately for calves, winter is a difficult time to be born.(但对于小牛犊来说,在冬季这个较为困难的时节出生则殊为不幸。)
Some people seem to be born happy.(有些人似乎生来就快乐。)
Shouldn't we be born with the ability to work efficiently?(难道我们不应该是与生俱来地拥有有效工作的能力吗?)
Yet oddly enough, to be born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all, which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs.(然而奇怪的是,人们对出生在这个月的13号一点也不担心,这恰恰表明我们的迷信是多么不理性。)
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