I couldn't help wonder, can we be friends with ex?(我不禁纳闷,我们可以和旧情人做朋友吗?)
I want to be friends with you.(我想和你成为朋友。)
His character made him hard to be friends with others.(他的性格使他很难与别人交朋友。)
It is easy to communicate and be friends with us.(买卖双方都将很容易沟通,愿意与合作伙伴做好朋友。)
B. I can never be friends with you after what you said.(你说了这样的话,我再也不会跟你做朋友了。)
What would you do if you wanted to be friends with a new student?(如果你想和一个新生交朋友,你会怎么做?)
The Leo dad is the kind of dad who is easy to be friends with.(狮子座的父亲是个很容易与人交朋友的人。)
But you need to be friends with your partner.(但你的确需要跟另一半成为朋友。)
In another hour I taught them to be friends with a rabbit.(我又花了一个小时教会了它们跟兔子做朋友。)
You can be friends with you?(可以跟你做朋友吗?。)
be friends with是什么意思 be friends with在线翻译 be friends with什么意思 be friends with的意思 be friends with的翻译 be friends with的解释 be friends with的发音 be friends with的同义词