英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:06:23



英 [bi:st]

美 [bist]


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  • 动物,兽,野兽,走兽
  • 兽性
  • 凶残的人,粗暴的人,举止粗鲁的人,讨厌的人
  • 畜牲,畜生,家畜,牛马,菜牛
  • 人面兽心的人,衣冠禽兽,畜生,禽兽
  • 老顽固
  • 坏蛋
  • 严格的老师
  • “野兽”(前苏联制造的伊尔-10轰炸机)
  • 糟透的东西
  • 不堪忍受的境遇
  • [the Beast] 反基督者(源《圣经》)
  • (考生作弊用的)夹带
  • 丑姑娘,蠢丫头,多情女
  • 女骗子
  • 低级妓女,低等娼妓
  • (试飞用)高速飞机
  • 高速赛车,大马力汽车
  • 导弹,火箭
  • [C]兽 an animal, especially a four footed one
  • [C]讨厌的人; 粗野凶残的人 a person that one does not like in which a turning rod is held, or which turns on a fixed rod


1. a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

Synonym: animalanimate beingbrutecreaturefauna

2. a cruelly rapacious person

Synonym: wolfsavagebrutewildcat

1. 兽;野兽
You can refer to an animal as a beast, especially if it is a large, dangerous, or unusual one.


e.g. ...the threats our ancestors faced from wild beasts.
e.g. ...a centaur: half man, half beast.

2. 兽性的人;畜生;禽兽
If you refer to a man as a beast, you mean that his behaviour, especially his sexual behaviour, is very violent and uncontrolled.

e.g. ...a sex beast who subjected two sisters to a terrifying ordeal.

3. 讨厌鬼;王八蛋
If you call someone a beast, you think that they are behaving in a selfish, unkind, or unpleasant way.


e.g. Bully! Hooligan! Beast! Let me go, let go!

4. (含诙谐意)有特定性质的事物,性格特别的人
You can use beast to refer to something or someone in a light-hearted way, and to mention that they have a particular quality.

e.g. ...that rare beast, a sports movie that isn't boring.

1. 怪兽:怪兽(Beast):它是用电磁场包围着的一个单位,能自动攻击磁场范围内的敌军单位. 大力神(Nightmare):是一种大型、昂贵却非常有力的单位,它能单独击毁敌军最大的单位. 泰坦战舰(Abbadon):最大的战斗单位,在不开火时几乎坚不可摧.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • There are wild beasts in the mountains.
  • The lion is called the king of beasts.
  • When she's drunk, she's a beast.
  • I..saw a beast rise vp out of the sea, hauing seuen heads, and ten hornes.

    出自:Bible (AV): Revelation
  • There's a little beast crawling up your back!

    出自:Oxford English Dictionary
  • No help at all to man or beast.

    出自:C. Hampton
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • beast指与鸟、鱼、虫等相对的“兽”或四足动物,尤指高级哺乳动物,用于人时强调其非人性或堕落。通常用于寓言故事中。
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beast, animal
  • 这两个词都可以表示“动物”。其区别是:
  • 1.animal指区别于植物的“动物总称”; beast指与飞禽(鸟类)相对的走兽,即四足动物(尤指哺乳动物)。可见animal所指的范围比beast大,是动物的总称,而beast则包括在animal之中。例如:
  • Not all animals have four feet.并不是所有的动物都有四只脚。
  • We went to the zoo to see the gorillas, elephants, and various other beasts.我们去动物园看猩猩、大象和各种其他四足动物。
  • 2.在比喻意义上,即指人的时候, animal可不含有感情色彩(即客观地强调其身体),也可含有感情色彩(由语气和上下文语气可以分出),而beast总是带有一定的感情色彩。例如:
  • Those boys are healthy young animals.那些男孩子是身体强壮的年轻小伙子。
  • What an animal he is!他是一个非常残暴的人!
  • Living only for self-indulgence, he is a beast.他过着尽情放纵的生活,无异于一头动物。
  • 从上述例子可以看出,就感情成分来说, animal强调的是残暴,而beast强调的是肉欲的放纵,有贬义。
    • ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的beste,意为野兽;最初源自拉丁语的bestia。
    The future numerous times they have to spend together, they have to tame the beast over-confident.(在将来他们必须生活在一起,他们不得不驯服自己心中过于自信的野兽。)
    The little peasant said, "Oh, but I must have my beast back again."(小农夫说:“噢,但是我必须把我的小牛找回来。”)
    Beast Boy and Terra become romantically intwined.(野兽男孩和泰拉浪漫相处。)
    The maths exam was a real beast.(数学考试实在令人憎恶。)
    The priests shall not eat of anything that is dead of itself, or torn, whether it be fowl or beast.(无论是鸟是兽,凡是它自己死的,或是撕裂的,祭司都不应吃。)
    The beast held tightly on the tripod and pressed it into my side.(那野兽紧紧抓住三脚架,把它压在我的身上。)
    The beast in him came up.(他兽性大发。)
    He ran up the nose of the lion, awakening the great beast from his sleep.(他跑到狮子的鼻子上,把兽中之王从睡梦中惊醒。)
    Now we have a beast of a different kind.(现在我们有一种不同的野兽。)
    Reluctantly, the Rajah and the Rani and the Rani's aunt and the palace staff left the beast with the Cinnamon Princess.(国王、王妃、王妃的姑母和宫殿的侍从们极不情愿让野兽和香桂公主独处。)
    beast是什么意思 beast在线翻译 beast什么意思 beast的意思 beast的翻译 beast的解释 beast的发音 beast的同义词