英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:47:56
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1. be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information

Synonym: equivocatetergiversateprevaricatepalter

1. 旁敲侧击:英文有拨丛寻猎(beat the bush)之谚,也有旁敲侧击(beat around the bush)之谚,皆锁定bush(布什)而对付之. 如今李文奇正相生、侧目以告,打官司打到这种境界,允称佳作. 美国体育记者瑞斯(Grantland Rice)说的好:不在输赢,在你怎么玩--


2. 绕圈子:扰乱治安disturb public order | 绕圈子beat around the bush | 热带风暴Tropical Storm

3. 说话绕圈子:bear in mind 牢记在心 | beat around the bush 说话绕圈子 | beat it 走开

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Don't beat around the bush. Give it to me straight.(别拐弯抹角,直截了当地说出来。)
Don't beat around the bush. Tell me the truth.(憋拐弯抹角了,快把真相告诉我。)
Don't beat around the bush! What do you want to say?(不要旁敲侧击了,你想说什么?)
But very much aware, and afraid, of the animals' sharp tusks, they much preferred to merely 'beat around the bush' a practice strongly disapproved of by their masters.(但是出于对野猪锋利的长牙的警惕和恐惧,他们更喜欢绕着灌木“兜圈子”,严重违反了主人的指令。)
I wish you would say what he really means and not always beat around the bush.(我希望你说出他的真正意思,不要总是拐弯抹角的。)
She is never afraid to tell her real thoughts to you because she believes that the friendship between you and her is strong enough and do not need to beat around the bush.(她从不会害怕告诉你她的真实想法,因为他相信你和她之间的友谊足够强大而不需要拐弯抹角。)
How to score with an Aries: don't beat round the bush, cut to the chase because if they don't fancy you they won't hang around.(和白羊一起如何得分:不要拐弯抹角,要开门见山,如果他们对你不感兴趣他们是不会逗留的。)
Get to the point and don't try to cushion the blow or beat around the bush.(直截了当,不要去缓冲打击或拐弯抹角。)
Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.(假装谦虚往往就是信口开河,有时候简直是拐弯抹角的自夸。)
Please don't beat around the bush, OK?(请不要环顾左右而言它好不好!)
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