英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:52:24



英 [bə'nevələns]

美 [bəˈnɛvələns]


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1. an act intending or showing kindness and good will

Synonym: benefaction

2. an inclination to do kind or charitable acts

3. disposition to do good

1. 善意:Pope在这里特别强调了善意(Benevolence)而非善果(beneficence),管理人必须有意(volens)地促进当事人的利益(bene),但不以实际上为当事人谋取到现实的利益(do(facere)good(bene))为必要.

First, to measure volunteers' benevolence with money is a belittling of high moral standards.(首先,用金钱衡量志愿者的善举是对崇高的道德标准的贬低。)
I do not value chiefly a man's uprightness and benevolence, which are, as it were, his stem and leaves.(我不以为一个人的正直和慈善是主要的价值,它们不过是他的枝枝叶叶。)
To comprehend these standards is important for a correct understanding to the doctrine of Confuciuss benevolence.(了解和掌握这两个标准体系,对于正确理解孔子的仁学观点至为重要。)
It wasn't out of benevolence, and his 1932 platform showed it.(这是不是出于善,和他的1932平台,表明它。)
Every teacher should, therefore, follow in his footsteps and emphasize benevolence when teaching.(因此,每个老师在教学时,应效法孔子并强调仁的道理。)
Why do you toil to advocate benevolence and righteousness?(为什么又要辛辛苦苦地去提倡什么仁义呢?)
Because we live in this world, around us all and even every bit of property has the benevolence to us!(因为我们生活在这个世界上,我们周围的一切乃至一草一木都对我们有恩情!)
Turning away expressionless, you muster all the spiritual benevolence you can, and for once you don't counter-attack.(毫无表情的离开,你积聚了所有你能积聚的仁慈,并且仅此一次你不反击。)
It's a simple performing which is like a mirror, depends on your wise and benevolence. There is nothing but yourself in the mirror.(这是一场仁者见仁智者见智的演出,所谓你看到的只是一面镜子,除了镜中的自己,别无他物。)
However, Confucius was bent on spreading his teachings of benevolence for kings and their people.(然而孔子并未为之所动,他下定了决心要继续向他的王和子民们传播他那仁慈的思想。)
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