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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:54:30
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  • 每年两次的
  • 每半年的
  • 半年一次的
  • 一年两次的
  • 一年两度的
  • 二年生的
  • 二年生植物


1. occurring or payable twice each year

Synonym: semiannualbiyearlyhalf-yearly

1. 一年两次的
A biannual event happens twice a year.

e.g. You will need to have a routine biannual examination.

Only since 1962 has the show been held biannually.


1. 半年刊,一年两次的:biangulate 双角的 | biannual 半年刊,一年两次的 | biapiculate 有两尖顶的

2. 一年二次的:semiannual (每) 半年的,一年两次的 | biannual 一年二次的 | biennial 二年生植物,二年一次的事

3. 一年两次的:annuity 年金 养老金 | biannual 一年两次的 | biennial 两年一次的


4. 半年一次的:bi-rotorpump 双转子泵 | biannual 半年一次的 | biannual 一年两次的

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The survey shows that in this biannual competition participated by 140 cities, Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia tops the list via the score of 97.5%, followed by Vienna, scoring 97.4%.(这项调查显示,在本次140个城市参与的一年两次的角逐中,得分97.5%的澳大利亚第二大城市墨尔本名列第一,超过得分97.4%的维也纳。)
One of his pieces was awarded Merit in the Biannual Art Exhibition.(其中雕塑家获得双年展优异奖的作品亦是以贝为题。)
Our school doctor recommends a biannual visit to the dentist.(我们校医建议一年去看牙医两次。)
The largest is the Southeast Asian Games, a biannual festival for the nations of Southeast Asia.(最大的是东南亚运动会,主要针对东南亚国家,每年两次。)
You will need to have a routine biannual examination.(你需要做一年两次的常规检查。)
More recently, we supported the successful bid to bring the federation's biannual conference to London.(最近,我们支持了伦敦成功申办该联盟两年一次的大会。)
They are denied job security training and biannual bonuses (around 20% of income for regular employees).(公司拒绝向他们提供工作保障培训和一年两次的红利(大约占固定职工收入的20%)。)
This latest edition of UFI's biannual industry survey was concluded in January 2017 and includes data from 240 companies in 54 countries.(这份最新的UFI半年行业调查于2017年1月完成,包括来自54个国家的240家公司的数据。)
The airfield, less than an hour's drive west of London, is home to Britain's biannual airshow.(该机场在伦敦以西,不到两小时的车程,是英国双年航空展的举办地。)
The biannual report to the WHA notes that while some progress has been made towards implementation of DPAS recommendations, the results are not universal.(卫生大会双年度报告指出,虽然该战略有关建议的实施取得了一些进展,成果不是普遍的。)
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