英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:54:43


英 [ˈbɪbjʊləs]

美 [ˈbɪbjələs]


副词: bibulously 名词: bibulousness

  • 英英释义

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1. given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol

e.g. a bibulous fellow
a bibulous evening
his boozy drinking companions
thick boozy singing
a drunken binge
two drunken gentlemen holding each other up
sottish behavior

Synonym: boozydrunkensottish


1. 吸水的:bibliography of medicine 医学图书 | bibulous 吸水的 | bibulous paper 吸水纸

2. 饮酒的:bibulosity 酗酒 | bibulous 饮酒的 | bicameral 两院制的

3. bibulous的意思

3. 吸水性纸张:字典纸 bible | 吸水性纸张 bibulous | 账目纸 bill

4. 饮酒的, 嗜酒的, 吸水的:biblist /圣经信仰者/ | bibulous /饮酒的/嗜酒的/吸水的/ | bicamera /双镜头摄影机/双镜头照相机/

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

If roll out the water chestnut with high water absorption to get towel of paper of series family expenses, introduce the European paper towel that has more powerful bibulous force and toughness.(如推出吸水量高的菱钻系列家用纸巾,并引进具有更强吸水力及韧度的欧洲纸巾。)
Self-made antimicrobial-bibulous paper was used as the material for room temperature preservation experiment and was compared with other techniques.(以自制的吸水抗菌纸作为保鲜材料,对苹果进行常温保鲜研究,并与其他保鲜方法进行了对比试验。)
Closed pore perlite overcome traditional expansion perlite bibulous rate and low strength of large, fluidity, and the characteristics of the poor, outspread expansion perlite application fields.(闭孔珍珠岩克服了传统膨胀珍珠岩吸水率大、强度低、流动性差的特点,延伸了膨胀珍珠岩的应用领域。)
Concrete foam insulation board is bibulous rate is low, ensure products are not in the humid environment, mildew, will not affect the insulation performance, ensure the safety, product durability.(水泥发泡保温板吸水率低,保证产品在潮湿环境下不会霉变,不会影响保温性能,保证了产品的安全性、耐久性。)
Bamboo has excellent physical and mechanical performance, and has the bibulous low expansion coefficient, dryness and deformation advantages.(竹材具有卓越的物理力学性能,并且具有吸水膨胀系数小、不干裂和不变形的优点。)
Bibulous performance outstanding, is cotton products three times as much.(吸水性能出色,是全棉产品的三倍。)
Has the advantages, adiabatic, fire prevention, high temperature resistance, ageing resistance, bibulous rate is lower notable features.(具有轻质、绝热、防火、耐高温、耐老化、吸水率低等显著特点。)
Application: apply to various bibulous rate high granite, marble, sandstone, limestone materials waterproof.(适用范围:适用于各种吸水率较高的花岗岩、大理石、砂岩、石灰石等材料防水。)
But this kind of heat preservation material bibulous rate than other materials high, when using, must do the waterproof layer and crack.(但此种保温材料吸水率较其他材料高,使用时必须加做抗裂防水层。)
Second-ranking carbonization depth anticorrosive wood not bibulous, moisture content is low, is not craze lumber.(深度炭化防腐木不易吸水,含水率低,是不开裂的木材。)
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