1. 出生;降生;出世
When a baby is born, you refer to this event as his or her birth .
e.g. It was the birth of his grandchildren which gave him greatest pleasure...
e.g. She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth...
2. 诞生;产生;出现;起源
You can refer to the beginning or origin of something as its birth .
e.g. ...the birth of popular democracy.
3. 出身;家世;门第
Some people talk about a person's birth when they are referring to the social position of the person's family.
e.g. ...men of low birth...
e.g. His birth, background and career show that you can make it in this country on merit alone.
4. see also: date of birth;home birth
5. 在血统上;生来
If, for example, you are French by birth, you are French because your parents are French, or because you were born in France.
e.g. Sadrudin was an Iranian by birth.
6. 生(孩子);分娩;生育
When a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body.
e.g. She's just given birth to a baby girl...
e.g. She's due to give birth at any moment.
7. 使产生;使诞生
To give birth to something such as an idea means to cause it to start to exist.
e.g. In 1980, strikes at the Lenin Shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union.
8. 出生的(地方)
The country, town, or village of your birth is the place where you were born.