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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:02:37



英 [ˈbəʊgəs]

美 [ˈboʊgəs]


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  • 伪造的,赝造的
  • 假的,伪的,假货的,假冒的
  • 虚假的
  • 不合需要的
  • 很好的,优秀的
  • 赝品,伪物
  • 伪币
  • 冒牌货
  • 已完成纸型的广告复制铅版
  • 加利博古思烧酒


1. fraudulent
having a misleading appearance

Synonym: fakephonyphoneybastard

1. 假的;冒牌的;伪造的
If you describe something as bogus, you mean that it is not genuine.

e.g. ...their bogus insurance claim...
e.g. He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate.

1. bogus的翻译

1. 假的:法案要求必须是的真的(bona fide)非营利性的教育机构始能援用合理使用的免责规定,而假的(bogus)教育机构则不能用合理使用的规定.在数位传输的过程中产生短暂的重制物或录音物可以免责.例如:在伺服器上的快取(cache),

2. 妈咪也疯狂:1996年影片<>(Bogus)中,诺曼.杰威逊(Norman Jewison)大胆启用海利为男主角,事实证明了他在剧情片中同样如鱼得水. 1996年影片<>(The Sixth Sense)让公众真正认识了这位年轻的小演员,

3. bogus的意思

3. 伪造的:Bogu Studio ==> 博古斋 | bogus ==> 伪造的 | bogus company ==> 虚设公司,空头商行


4. 臆造品:小型张Miniature Sheet | 臆造品Bogus | 邮简Letter Sheet

Yet their indignation was rather bogus.(然而,他们的义愤是相当虚假的。)
Bogus science USES known phenomena — such as neutrinos — to incorrectly describe the natural world.(伪科学是用已有的现象,如中微子,错误的描述自然世界。)
Bogus social workers have been preying on old people living alone.(冒牌社会福利工作员不断坑害独居老人。)
Psychoanalysis is a bogus science because its practitioners do not do scientific research.(精神分析是伪科学,因为其从业人员不做科学研究。)
A bogus list containing celebrities’ names was central to rigging the last polls, in 2007.(一份包含很多名人名字在内的伪造名单在2007年的选举中揭示了这一关键弊病。)
Drummond accuses Google's competitors of overpaying for "bogus" patents.(德拉蒙德控诉称,谷歌的竞争对手在所谓的“虚假专利”上多付了很多钱。)
Most are the genuine article, now that many bogus colleges have been closed.(由于许多假冒的大学都已关闭,他们中大多数都读的是正规院校。)
But the courts have been pretty astute at seeing through bogus claims.(但是法庭对于虚假索赔可是有火眼金睛的。)
The problem is that many of the clicks on Internet advertisements are bogus.(问题在于网络广告的许多点击都是虚假的。)
The authors are witheringly contemptuous of the bogus equation of tidiness and morality.(本书的两位作者毫不留情地批判了将整洁与道德相等同的做法。)
bogus是什么意思 bogus在线翻译 bogus什么意思 bogus的意思 bogus的翻译 bogus的解释 bogus的发音 bogus的同义词