If he fears the intellectual, he despises the boor.(他对知识分子有戒心,但是更瞧不起乡下人。)
Resembling or characteristic of a boor; rude and clumsy in behavior.(笨拙或害羞的人一个不灵活的,粗鄙的人;)
She recognized in him the well-to-do boor whom Angel had knocked down at the inn for addressing her coarsely.(苔丝认出他来了,他就是那个在酒店里对她说粗话被克莱尔打倒的有钱的村夫。)
A boor remains a boor even if sleeping on silken pillows.(老粗睡在丝枕上还是老粗。)
Because he has not really accepted the baptism of modern civilization, is a real "boor", so he almost regards rural civilization as and consults and assesses the city civilization naturally.(由于他并未真正接受过现代文明的洗礼,是真正意义上的“乡下人”,因此他又近乎天然地以乡村文明为参照来评估都市文明。)
'retorted the angry boor, retreating, while his face burnt with mingled rage and mortification; for he was conscious of being insulted, and embarrassed how to resent it.(这大怒的乡下人回骂着,退却了,当时他的脸由于愤怒和羞耻烧得通红:因为他意识到被侮辱了,可又窘得不知道该怎么怨恨才是。)
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