英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:11:58
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1. 使人想起:refresh one's memory 使人记起 | bring to mind 使人想起 | compile dictionary 编字典

2. 想起:atom-stricken 受核污染的 | bring to mind 想起 | syzygy theory 合冲理论, 合系理论

3. bring to mind是什么意思

3. 回忆起:break into tears 放声大哭 | bring to mind 回忆起 | bring...to an end 使结束

4. bring to mind的意思

4. 使想起,回忆起:bring to light 出现,公布,暴露 | bring to mind 使想起,回忆起 | bring up 抚养,养育,培养,使停止

The book is also funny, particularly in the description of some ofits male characters, who bring to mind the cartoon creations of Robert Crumb:rank, weedy, lustful.(这本书还很幽默,特别是在描述一些男性角色的时候——让人想起罗伯特·克拉姆笔下的卡通人物:下流,无用,还色咪咪的。)
I am going to mobilise public opinion sufficiently to bring to the very top of the nation's conservation agenda the severely endangered species I have in mind.(我将充分调动公众舆论,把我心目中的严重濒危物种置于国家保护议程的首位。)
I couldn't BrIng to mInd the name of the hotel I'd stayed In.(我无法回想起我曾待过的旅馆的名字。)
When you think you are lost, sit down on a log, or a rock, or lean against a tree, and recite something that you have memorized, to bring your mind to a point where it's under control.(当你觉得自己迷惘的时候,坐到一根圆木上,或者一块石头上,或者靠着一棵树,背诵一些你已经记住的东西,把你的思想带到一个你可以控制的点上。)
You bring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower lip as you kissed him on the beach.(在海滩上,你完完全全屈服在亲吻他下唇的那一瞬间。)
The terms hedonism and eudaimonism bring to mind the great philosophical debate, which has shaped Western civilization for over 2,000 years, about the nature of the good life.(享乐主义和幸福说这两个术语让人想起了关于美好生活本质的伟大哲学辩论,这个辩论塑造了2000多年的西方文明。)
Those words 16 bring to mind my good friend who I don't see nearly as much as I'd like, but the song in my heart plays sweetly of our warm and loving memories.(这句话让我想起我的好朋友,我们见面的次数比我希望的少得多,但我们之间温馨亲切的回忆之歌却在我心里甜蜜地响起。)
A.Music therapy is the functional use of music to bring about change in mind, body, and spirit.(音乐疗法是将音乐应用于身体机能,从而改变我们的身心灵的状态。)
Inspired by her visits to Italy in the 1960s, Elsa says the necklaces bring to mind the beautiful women she saw there, each with a gardenia in their hand.(艾尔莎说,这个灵感来自于1960年她去意大利,在那里她看到美丽的女士佩戴项链来传达自己的感觉,并且每个人手里都拿着一朵栀子花。)
You bring to mind those white, warm, misty hours.(你想起又白、又暖、又阴的日子。)
bring to mind是什么意思 bring to mind在线翻译 bring to mind什么意思 bring to mind的意思 bring to mind的翻译 bring to mind的解释 bring to mind的发音 bring to mind的同义词