英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:46:00
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. definitely not

e.g. the prize is by no means certain
and that isn't all, not by a long sight

Synonym: not by a long sightnot by a blame sight

1. 决不:作为每六个月就更改一次的事物,Ant决不(by no means)处于最完美的状态.一些行为并不会一时能看清楚.有瑕疵,有bugs还有一些文档中看不到的特征.小的工作文件中,你往往不需要注意奇怪属性的问题.在这些工作文件中,范围(scope)往往构不成问题.


2. 决不,并没有:by any means 无论如何 . | by no means 决不,并没有 . | measure up 合格,符合标准 .

3. 决不,绝没有:by mistake 错误地,无意中(做错了某事) | by no means 决不,绝没有 | by oneself 单独地,独自地

4. 决不,一点也不:by far 最,......得多 89-1-66 | by no means 决不,一点也不 96-6-70 | catch on 理解,明白 99-1-42

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All is indeed by no means lost.(所有的一切都是需要的,但决不是失败。)
The inquiry is by no means cut and dried.(调查之事远未盖棺定论。)
It's by no means accident that women are in the majority in the nursing and teaching professions.(女性在护理和教育行业中占多数,这绝非偶然。)
Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.(攻击性决不是男性独有的特征。)
That was by no means the end of the matter.(事情决不可能到此为止。)
The rejection of such initiatives by no means indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment.(对这些提案的不同意决不意味着选民们不关心环境。)
Up until a few decades ago, our visions of the future were largely—though by no means uniformly—glowingly positive.(直到几十年前,我们对未来的看法大体上还是积极热切的,尽管不完全是一致的。)
The merger is by no means a done deal yet.(合并之事远未成定局。)
There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, but the languages they speak are by no means primitive.(有许多人他们的文化不发达,但他们说的语言绝不是原始的。)
On matters of principle we should be clear-cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal.(在原则问题上,我们必须态度鲜明,决不能模棱两可。)
by no means是什么意思 by no means在线翻译 by no means什么意思 by no means的意思 by no means的翻译 by no means的解释 by no means的发音 by no means的同义词