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更新时间:2025-03-03 08:42:39

cable car

英 [ˈkeibl kɑ:]

美 [ˈkebəl kɑr]

悬空缆车; 架空索道车

第三人称复数:cable cars

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1. a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway

e.g. they took a cable car to the top of the mountain

Synonym: car

1. (登山)缆车,吊车,索道车
A cable car is a vehicle for taking people up mountains or steep hills. It is pulled by a moving cable.

cable car什么意思

1. 电缆车:植物园山上设有古老的木质车厢的电缆车(Cable Car),于1902年2月22日正式接待乘客. 电缆车自植物园观景台至市中心往返行驶,是惠灵顿保存最完好、至今仍在使用的交通和旅游工具. 新西兰国家博物馆(The National Museum of New Zealand,

2. 空中缆车:吃完早饭到多美歌乘地铁到港湾站(Harbour front)下,从港湾站出来穿过一大型的商场,根着指示牌走,就到达乘空中缆车(cable car)的地方,买了往返的票,及上岛费($2.00),就乘缆车直接到圣淘沙岛上,在缆车出站处有免费的圣淘沙地图可取.


3. 索车:cable bush 电缆套筒 | cable car 索车 | cable certificate 锚链强度证书

Police used a cable car to ferry down the dead and wounded from the hilltop.(警方使用缆车将死伤者运下山。)
The cable car brought us in just a few minutes up to a height of about 2000 meters.(缆车仅仅用了几分钟的时间就把我们送到了海拔2000多米高的高山上。)
It is the top of Teide. Visitors can take the cable car to visit the top, but we did not do so.(这是泰德火山的顶峰,游客可以通过乘坐缆车观看顶峰,但我们没有乘坐。)
Some people only stayed in one of the restaurants near the cable car station, but we wanted also to do some physical activity.(有些人只想待在缆车站附近的一家餐馆里,而我们小俩口则想做些体能运动。)
The cable car and toboggan nicely combine natural beauty and man-made scenery.(缆车和雪橇将自然美景和人工景色完美地结合起来。)
Don't use your mobile phone while you are in the cable car.(在缆车上不要使用手机。)
Great Wall cable car (Free choice) Tips to guide and driver.(长城缆车费用(自选),导游司机小费。)
Now the Peruvian government is installing a cable car that will make access much easier, and hence results in a large increase in tourisms.(现在,秘鲁政府正在安装缆车,这将使交通变得更加容易,从而促进旅游业的发展。)
Pancras in central London to Olympic Park in seven minutes and a new cable car over the River Thames between Greenwich and the Docklands is underway.(Pancras到奥林匹克公园只需要7分钟,跨越泰晤士河连通格林尼治和Docklands的新的缆车也正在进行中。)
And then we took the cable car to visit around.(然后我们搭乘缆车四处游览。)
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