英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:22:30



英 [ˈkælɪndə(r)]

美 [ˈkæləndɚ]


vt.把 ... 列入日程表

过去式: calendared 过去分词: calendared 现在分词: calendaring 第三人称单数: calendars

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  • 历,日历,月历
  • 历法
  • 行事历,日程表
  • 历书
  • 记事录,记事本
  • 议案一览表,议会日程
  • 一览表,重大事件一览表
  • 总目录
  • 【律】案件日程表,开庭日程表
  • 把…排进日程表
  • 把…记入行事历
  • 把...列入表中
  • 为作分类索引,编索引
  • 确定日期
  • [C]日历,月历 a printed table that lists the days, weeks, and months of the year


1. a list or register of events (appointments or social events or court cases etc)

e.g. I have you on my calendar for next Monday

2. a tabular array of the days (usually for one year)

3. a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year


1. enter into a calendar

1. 日历;月历
A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days.

e.g. There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates.

2. 历法
A calendar is a particular system for dividing time into periods such as years, months, and weeks, often starting from a particular point in history.

e.g. The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.

3. (某一组织、团体或个人的)日程表,纪事表,大事一览表
You can use calendar to refer to a series or list of events and activities which take place on particular dates, and which are important for a particular organization, community, or person.

e.g. It is one of the British sporting calendar's most prestigious events...
e.g. Franklin joined her and the children whenever his crowded calendar allowed...

1. 日程表:支持链接到邮件(Mail)、日程表(Calendar)、地址薄(Address Book)以及计划(To Do)中的Lotus Notes文档的超链接. 仅支持Lotus Notes 6.5版本.

2. 月历:阿托姆的首部大银幕之作<>(Next of Kin)就获得了加拿大精灵奖(Genie Awards)最佳导演的提名,他还凭借<>(Calendar)、<>(Exotica)、<>(The Sweet Hereafter)和<>(Felicia's Journey)四度获得戛纳影展的殊荣

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • According to the calendar my birthday falls on a Sunday this year.
  • The presidential elections are the highlight of next year's political calendar.
  • According to the university calendar your examinations will be in June.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • calendar的基本意思是“日历,月历,历法”,引申可表示“团体或个人预定一年内要办的大事日程表”。
  • ☆ 1200年进入英语,直接源自古法语的calendier,意为列表,单子;最初源自古典拉丁语的calendarium,意为记帐簿。
  • 考研真题例句

考研真题例句 OG 1.calendar

Microsoft bought task management app Wunderlist and mobile calendar Sunrise in 2015.



考研真题例句 OG 1.calendar

Once on the calendar, I protect this time like I would a doctor's appointment or important meeting.



A calendar on your cell phone screen is easy to use, and so is a large paper calendar that hangs on your wall.(手机屏幕上的日历使用起来很方便,挂在墙上的大型纸质日历也是如此。)
We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and the realities of family life.(我们在学校的日程安排和家庭生活的现实之间存在着巨大的不匹配。)
Since the Spring Festival is based on the lunar calendar, it comes about a month later than the Western New Year.(因为春节是根据阴历而定的,所以大约比西方的新历新年晚一个月。)
You can also link up with Google calendar to make sure you stay on top of important dates.(您还可以链接到谷歌日历,以确保您随时掌握重要的日期。)
In the last calendar year the company had a turnover of $426m.(在上一个日历年度里,该公司的营业额为4.26亿美元。)
I use the old calendar I saved to do crafts with my kids.(我用自己保留下的旧日历和孩子一起做手工。)
Here is one page of Mary's calendar and it shows her plans in May.(这是玛丽日历的一页,上面显示了她五月的计划。)
October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar.(十月通常是校历上最忙的一个月。)
"The Gift of Nature" shows crop processes according to the Chinese lunar calendar and the five colors of the soil.(《自然的馈赠》根据中国阴历和土壤的五种颜色来描绘作物的生长过程。)
Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is inevitable.(Boyer和许多人一样,认为彻底修改校历是不可避免的。)
calendar是什么意思 calendar在线翻译 calendar什么意思 calendar的意思 calendar的翻译 calendar的解释 calendar的发音 calendar的同义词