英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:31:56


英 ['kæʒʊəlɪ]

美 [ˈkæʒjʊəlɪ]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. in an unconcerned manner

e.g. glanced casually at the headlines

Synonym: nonchalantly

2. not methodically or according to plan

e.g. he dealt with his course work casually

1. casually的翻译

1. 偶然地:casualism 偶然说 | casually 偶然地 | casualty 伤亡

2. 随意地,不拘小节地:cautiously小心地,谨慎地 | casually随意地,不拘小节地 | home 家,国内


3. 非正式地;随意地:building 建筑物;楼房 | casually 非正式地;随意地 | come true 实现;达到

4. 偶然的:Abscond潜逃 | Casually偶然的 | Italic斜体的

One of his aides casually asked me if I might be interested.(他的一个助手有次偶然间问我是否感兴趣。)
You're shutting down businesses. It's not something you do casually.(您得关闭的企业,它不是你随便就可以做的。)
They chatted casually on the phone.(他们在电话上闲聊。)
Meet casually for a brief time - half an hour or so.(先短时间,非正式的见一下面—半小时左右为宜。)
She likes to dress casually.(她喜欢轻便的穿着。)
Boemio casually walks around all of it, occasionally laughing.(波密奥在这些东西周围转来转去,偶尔还笑笑。)
"Would you like an adventure now," he said casually to John, "or would you like to have your tea first?"(“你现在想冒险吗,”他若无其事地对约翰说,“还是先喝点茶?”)
I started chatting to customers and casually asking questions.(和顾客闲谈,随意地问一些问题。)
Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt.(约翰逊随意地穿着一条休闲裤和一件淡蓝色的高尔夫衬衫。)
Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone Bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.(或者可能有人会随意浏览你的信用卡购物记录或手机账单,以了解你的购物偏好或通话习惯。)
casually是什么意思 casually在线翻译 casually什么意思 casually的意思 casually的翻译 casually的解释 casually的发音 casually的同义词