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更新时间:2025-03-24 11:03:49


英 ['si:lɪˌæk]

美 ['si:lɪˌæk]


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1. of or in or belonging to the cavity of the abdomen

Synonym: coeliac

2. belonging to or prescribed for celiac disease

e.g. a celiac diet

1. 腹的,腹腔的:celiac syndrome || 乳糜泻综合征 | celiac || 腹的, 腹腔的 | celibacy || 独身生活

2. 腹腔的:celestite 天青石 | celiac 腹腔的 | celiacarteriography 腹腔动脉造影术

3. 腹腔的[医]:腹腔穿刺术[医]Abdominocentesis;abdominal paracentesis;Celiocentesis;Peritoneocentesis | 腹腔的[医]Celiac | 腹腔灌洗[医]peritoneal lavage

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It is different from "special diets" which might be indicated in diseases like celiac disease.(它不同于“特殊饮食”,这可能是在腹腔疾病等疾病的说明。)
The kids with celiac disease were put on a strict gluten-free diet and followed for 2 years.(有着麸质过敏症的儿童被严格安排接受无麸质饮食并在2年内跟踪观察。)
There are multiple lymph node groupings in the abdomen, including mesenteric, paraaortic, celiac, and retrogastric.(腹腔里有多个淋巴结组,包括肠系膜淋巴结,腹主动脉旁淋巴结。)
The team measured antibodies and other immune factors associated with celiac disease, and patients with negative results were excluded.(研究团队检测了乳糜泻相关的抗体和其他免疫分子并将阴性结果患者剔除。)
Objective: to determine hypotonic liquid containing colloid on hemorrhagic dogs with celiac seawater immersion wound.(目的:观察低张胶体液对失血并腹腔海水浸泡伤的救治效果。)
Objective To observe early effect of two kinds of hypotonic colloid solution on celiac seawater immersion wound in field aid.(目的观察野战环境战地两种低张胶体液对腹腔海水浸泡伤实验犬的的救治作用。)
Men with untreated celiac disease may also have lower testosterone levels.(男性患有麸质过敏症而未经治疗也可能造成睾酮水平下降。)
The small intestinal mucosa at high magnification shows marked chronic inflammation in celiac sprue.(在高倍镜下,小肠黏膜显示脂肪痢有有明显的慢性炎症。)
Meterials and Methods: CT findings of 15 cases of celiac abscess proven by operation were analysed retrospectively.(材料和方法:经手术证实的腹腔脓肿15例,回顾性分析腹腔脓肿的CT表现。)
Conclusions: a genetic susceptibility to both type 1 diabetes and celiac disease shares common alleles.(结论:1型糖尿病和腹腔疾病分享共同的遗传易感性等位基因。)
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