1. a building dedicated to a particular activity
e.g. they were raising money to build a new center for research
Synonym: center
2. a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process
e.g. in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere
Synonym: centernerve centernerve centre
3. the object upon which interest and attention focuses
e.g. his stories made him the center of the party
Synonym: centercenter of attentioncentre of attention
4. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument
the heart and soul of the Republican Party
the nub of the story
Synonym: kernelsubstancecorecenteressencegistheartheart and soulinwardnessmarrowmeatnubpithsumnitty-gritty
5. the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering
Synonym: center
6. a place where some particular activity is concentrated
e.g. they received messages from several centers
Synonym: center
7. a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
Synonym: centermidpoint
8. an area that is approximately central within some larger region
e.g. it is in the center of town
they ran forward into the heart of the struggle
they were in the eye of the storm
Synonym: centermiddlehearteye
1. direct one's attention on something
e.g. Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies
Synonym: concentratefocuscenterporerivet
2. move into the center
e.g. That vase in the picture is not centered
Synonym: center
1. (会议、活动、服务等的)中心
A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind.
e.g. We went to a party at the leisure centre...
e.g. She now also does pottery classes at a community centre.
2. (工业、活动等的)中心
If an area or town is a centre for an industry or activity, that industry or activity is very important there.
e.g. London is also the major international insurance centre.
3. 中心;中央;中部
The centre of something is the middle of it.
e.g. A large wooden table dominates the centre of the room...
e.g. Bake until light golden and crisp around the edges and slightly soft in the centre.
4. (市镇的)商业中心,闹市区,繁华地带
The centre of a town or city is the part where there are the most shops and businesses and where a lot of people come from other areas to work or shop.
e.g. ...the city centre.
5. 中心;核心
If something or someone is at the centre of a situation, they are the most important thing or person involved.
e.g. ...the man at the centre of the controversy...
e.g. At the centre of the inquiry has been concern for the pensioners involved.
6. (关注的)中心,焦点;中心人物
If someone or something is the centre of attention or interest, people are giving them a lot of attention.
e.g. The rest of the cast was used to her being the centre of attention...
e.g. The centre of attraction was Pierre Auguste Renoir's oil painting.
7. (政党)中间派,中立派
In politics, the centre refers to groups and their beliefs, when they are considered to be neither left-wing nor right-wing.
e.g. The Democrats have become a party of the centre.
e.g. ...the centre parties.
8. 将…放在正中央
If you centre something, you move it so that it is at the centre of something else.
e.g. Centre the design on the cloth before you start.
9. (使)以…为中心;(使)注意力集中于
If something centres or is centred on a particular thing or person, that thing or person is the main subject of attention.
e.g. ...a plan which centred on academic achievement and personal motivation...
e.g. All his concerns were centred around himself rather than Rachel...
10. (使)主要发生在;(使)集中于
If an industry or event is centred in a place, or if it centres there, it takes place to the greatest extent there.
e.g. The fighting has been centred around the town of Vucovar...
e.g. The disturbances have centred round the two main university areas...
11. see also: community centre;detention centre;garden centre;health centre;job centre;left-of-centre;nerve centre;reception centre;remand centre;right-of-centre;shopping centre
1. 中锋:PF 大前锋(power forward) 主要是抢板和阻攻,扶助队友得分,身体第一 C 中锋(centre) 得分,篮板,阻攻,助攻,进攻时是有效火力点,防守实施最后一道防线,身高很重要 SF 小前锋(small forward) 2号得分手,主要是跑位,用速度拉扯对手防线,
2. 中央:米制(METERS)电门 接通(737-800)中央(CENTRE)电门 按需(737-800)活动(TRAFFIC)电门 按需(737-800)选择下降方式:1. 正常情况下使用垂直导航下降,即在垂直导航接通的情况下,按照CDU上计算的经济轨迹下降.
3. centre的近义词
3. 中央大区:三、中央大区(CENTRE)和布尔日(BOURGES)法国布尔日中央教育集团(法文全称:ENSEMBLE SCOLAIRE BOURGES-CENTRE,简写ESBC)坐落于风景如画的法国谢尔省(CHER)首府布尔日市(BOURGES),悠久的历史和教育传统让她散发着迷人的光芒.
4. centre
4. centre:c.; 中锋
1. centre on : 集中在...上;
This bed thy center is, these wals thy spheare.
出自:fig.In reverie centred.
出自:GoldsmithThe necessity of well centring the object glass of a large telescope.
出自:C. HuttonA plot of..grass centred by a basin.
出自:K. LittleMy universe was still centred in my mother's fragrant person.
出自:R. Church词语用法