英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:41:16



英 [ˈtʃi:ki]

美 [ˈtʃiki]


副词: cheekily 比较级: cheekier 最高级: cheekiest 名词: cheekiness

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1. offensively bold

e.g. a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club
a nervy thing to say

Synonym: brashnervy

1. (人或行为)冒失的,调皮的,放肆的
If you describe a person or their behaviour as cheeky, you think that they are slightly rude or disrespectful but in a charming or amusing way.

e.g. The boy was cheeky and casual...
e.g. Martin gave her a cheeky grin.

He strolled cheekily past the commissionaires for a free wash in the gentlemen's cloakroom.


1. 情人别为我哭泣:四、几部散片简介 <>(Cheeky) 一个不着内衣穿一袭超短裙的性感女郎在穿越公园--她叫卡拉波林,她的男朋友马蒂尔要去英国工作,卡拉想通过买房结婚留住马蒂尔--卡拉要去一房地产中介公司 公园里有各色人在旁若无人的亲昵,

2. 无耻的:checklist 检核表 | cheeky 无耻的 | cheer 振奋

3. 冒失无礼;顽皮:Boogie 跳舞 | Cheeky 冒失无礼;顽皮 | Love-rat 爱情老鼠

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Sometimes I also wished that my grousing brother and my cheeky little sister were different.(有时我也希望我那爱发牢骚的哥哥和厚脸皮的小妹妹能有所不同。)
Chrome, which it launched with a cheeky comic book instead of a press release, is the result.(通过一些滑稽漫画而不是新闻稿来发布的Chrome则正是谷歌的成果。)
That cheeky new secretary just pranced up me and asked if I worked here!(那个冒失的新秘书兴冲冲地蹦跳到我跟前,问弦嗜否在肘鲤工作。)
She gave him a clip round the ear for being cheeky.(她因他放肆给了他一记耳光。)
You certainly wouldn't think that their request was cheeky or out of the ordinary.(你当然不会去思考他们的要求是冒失无礼的或者是出自一个普通人的。)
One cheeky hacker combined real-time traffic data from Yahoo! with the driving directions from Google.(一个无耻的黑客甚至还将雅虎的实时交通数据和Google的驾驶指南结合起来。)
Jenkins earned the nickname "Smooth Operator" because of "his cheeky cockiness."(詹金斯赢得一个外号“经营者”,因为“他厚脸皮的骄傲自大。”)
Cheeky grins or secretive smiles - call them what you will.(大胆的笑或者神秘的笑——你可以随便定义任何你想象到的样子。)
He is the cheeky reporter!(他就是那个厚脸皮的记者!)
This makes the cheeky idea of being or having "fashion police" ridiculous?(这使得成为或拥有“时尚警察”的搞笑想法很荒谬?)
cheeky是什么意思 cheeky在线翻译 cheeky什么意思 cheeky的意思 cheeky的翻译 cheeky的解释 cheeky的发音 cheeky的同义词