英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 09:03:47


英 [ˈxʊtspə]

美 [ˈūʊtspə, ˈhʊt-]


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1. (Yiddish) unbelievable gall

Synonym: chutzpahutzpah

in AM, also use 美国英语亦用 chutzpa

1. 胆大;无所顾忌;敢作敢为
If you say that someone has chutzpah, you mean that you admire the fact that they are not afraid or embarrassed to do or say things that shock, surprise, or annoy other people.

e.g. Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.

1. 放肆:n. 许多 oodles | n. 放肆 chutzpah | adj.假的,伪造的 bogus

2. 厚颜**/肆无忌惮:chutzpa /厚颜**/肆无忌惮/ | chutzpah /厚颜**/肆无忌惮/ | chylaqueous /乳糜水样的/

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Moreover, Ellison went further, using that single idea to build a major business with chutzpah, ceaseless work, unrelenting optimism and ruthless determination.(艾利森还更进一步运用这项单一概念,加上勇气、不停地努力、持续乐观的精神和铁腕决心,建立庞大的企业。)
They've got chutzpah for doing this.(他们这么做可真够厚颜无耻的。)
Such chutzpah seems to be the key to Mr.(这种大胆妄为正是廖先生成功的关键。)
Yet their chutzpah hides weaknesses that may be exposed in due course.(但他们厚颜吹嘘的背后,隐藏了许多弱点,在某个适当的时候就会爆发出来。)
Traditional Jewish chutzpah is of course an integral part of the Israeli identity.(传统的犹太人太放肆当然是不可分割的一部分,以色列的身份。)
The firm's chutzpah has not helped.(该公司的放肆没有帮助。)
One of Congress's final acts of sheer chutzpah was to vote itself a 91% pay rise, which the Supreme Court promptly overturned.(最为厚颜无耻的是,国会议员们经过投票决定将其开支的增幅提高91个百分点,所幸的是,这一行为被最高法院予以了及时的制止。)
Such chutzpah seems to be the key to his success.(这种大胆妄为正是他成功的关键。)
As languages go, English is a notoriously promiscuous one, borrowing caricatures from Italian, chutzpah from Yiddish and faux pas from French.(从语言角度来说,英语在“杂交”方面可以说是恶名昭著,它将意大利语的滑稽荒诞、意第绪语的肆无忌惮和法语的不拘小节全都兼容并蓄。)
But his book is full of clever insights. For sheer intellectual chutzpah and creativity, it is well worth reading.(但书中充满真知灼见,言辞犀利、创意十足,颇为值得一读。)
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