英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 11:19:50



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美 [ˈsɪtrəs]


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名词复数: citrus

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  • 柑橘
  • 【植】柑橘属(植物)
  • 柑橘类(属)果实
  • 柠檬
  • 柑桔
  • 柑橘树
  • 柑属植物
  • 柑橘类的植物
  • 柑橘属植物的
  • 柑属植物的


1. any of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp
grown in warm regions

Synonym: citrus fruitcitrous fruit

2. any of numerous tropical usually thorny evergreen trees of the genus Citrus having leathery evergreen leaves and widely cultivated for their juicy edible fruits having leathery aromatic rinds

Synonym: citrus tree

1. 柑橘属水果(如橘子、柠檬、西柚)
A citrus fruit is a juicy fruit with a sharp taste such as an orange, lemon, or grapefruit.

e.g. ...citrus groves.

1. 柑橘:简要说明:简要说明:柑橘(Citrus)属芸香科柑橘亚科是热带、亚热带常绿果树(除枳以外),用作经济栽培的有3个属:枳属、柑橘属和金柑属. 我国和世界其他国家栽培的柑橘主要是柑橘属. 柑桔,是桔、柑、橙、金柑,柚、枳等的总称,柑桔原产中国.


2. 柑桔属:如柑桔属(Citrus)茎中的形成层每年有三次活动高峰,因此一年能产生三个年轮. 有些植物由于受到气候的骤变,如变冷或转热,或长期干旱或虫害,以及强台风的侵袭等特殊自然灾害的影响,也会出现多年轮的现象从形成层区的切向切面看,

3. citrus的解释

3. 柑橘属:[关键词]柑橘属;黄酮;生物活性 柑橘属(Citrus)属于芸香科的柑橘亚科,包括了柑...1 问题的提出 学习不良儿童(LearningDisabilities)的问题长期以来倍受教育学界和心理学界的广泛关注,自20世纪80年代以来,

The investigation resulted in a ban on all citrus pulp imports to the EU from Brazil.(此项调查导致了欧盟禁止所有巴西柑橘果泥球的进口。)
Citrus fruits are fine at room temperature unless it is very hot, in which case, put them in the refrigerator.(柑橘类水果能较好的保存在室温中,只要天气不是非常热,否则要将它们放入冰箱。)
In only one of these last eleven years was the weather unfavorable for growing citrus crops.(在过去的11年里,只有一年的天气不利于柑橘作物的生长。)
If your customers like citrus, they'll love the blood oranges that are in the market right now.(如果您的客人喜欢吃橙子,那他们一定会喜欢现在市场上出售的这种血橙。)
Here consumers prefer the clear, citrus-flavoured Sprite, developed in 1961.(当地消费者更喜欢1961年问世、清澈透亮的橙味雪碧。)
As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite.(作为柑橘的颜色,橙色与健康食物和刺激食欲联系在一起。)
Enjoy a romantic salad that incorporates citrus, like pink grapefruit or mandarin oranges, or use a dressing made with lemon and lime.(享用一次含有柑橘类的浪漫沙拉,如粉红葡萄柚或橘子,或使用柠檬和酸橙制成的调味品。)
Think of this like a cheap alternative to the many citrus fruit based cleaners that are sold on TV.(仔细一想,这还真有点像是对电视上销售的许多柑橘类清洁剂的廉价替代。)
Nix anything with citrus, berry, apple, or any other fruit notes.(千万不要用什么东西让自己散发出柑橘、浆果、苹果或其它水果的味道。)
It appears to be related to a bacterium transmitted by the potato psyllid's relative, the citrus psyllid.(该细菌似乎和马铃薯木虱的亲缘生物——柑桔木虱——传播的细菌有亲缘关系。)
citrus是什么意思 citrus在线翻译 citrus什么意思 citrus的意思 citrus的翻译 citrus的解释 citrus的发音 citrus的同义词