It is part of the price China and others are paying to clamber out of recession before everyone else.(这是中国先于其它国家摆脱经济萧条要付出的代价。)
Their bicycles carry industrial-size grab-nets, rice sacks and white plastic buckets in which crabs clamber slowly.(他们的自行车上装着工业级的渔网、米袋子还有白色的塑料水桶,螃蟹在桶里慢慢地爬来爬去。)
As you clamber down on to the platform, you stumble as clumsily as a calf.(当你下到站台上时步履笨拙像一头牛犊。)
Sailor as he was, it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk.(他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。)
While individual housing loans balance that our country commercial bank gives out increases by rapidly, infringement rate also begins to clamber rising.(在我国商业银行发放的个人住房贷款余额快速增长的同时,违约率也开始攀升。)
These traits require a degree of modesty scarce among those ambitious enough to clamber to the top.(这些品质需要一定程度的谦逊,而这在那些野心勃勃、一心往上爬的人中很是少见。)
Despite a tough start, they have notched together five straight wins to clamber into third place - still11 points short of rivals Roma.(尽管有着一个不走运的开始,但是他们新近取得了五连胜,并且艰难地爬升到了第三的位置——仍然落后同城的罗马队11分。)
Will you clamber up, and pluck it to show to papa?(你要不要爬上去,把它摘下来给爸爸看?)
Here and there they should clamber over wave-wet rock, leaping across clear pools that the tide had left.(他们要不时地爬过被海浪打湿的岩石,跳过海水退后留下的清澈的小水潭。)
Teenage boys clamber down mine shafts 30 to 50 meters deep.(孩子们沿着杆子爬到深30到50米的矿井里。)
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