英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:55:08


英 [kəʊˌæɡjʊ'leɪʃn]

美 [koʊˌæɡjʊ'leɪʃn]


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1. the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid

Synonym: curdlingclotting

1. 聚沉:总之,使溶胶稳定存在的原因是胶粒之间的排斥作用;而使溶胶聚沉(coagulation)的原因,则是胶粒之间的吸引作用. 在讨论溶胶的稳定性时,我们必需全面地考虑促使其相互聚结的粒子间吸引能(EA)及阻碍其相互聚结的粒子间的排斥能(EB)两方面的总的效应.

2. coagulation什么意思

2. 凝聚:破乳过程通常分为三步:凝聚(Coagulation),聚结(Coalescene)和沉降(Sedimentation). 这一过程,即水珠在相互碰撞接触中合并增大,自原油中沉降分离出来. 在第一步凝聚 (或絮凝)过程中,分散相的液珠聚集成团,但各液珠仍然存在.

3. 凝结:以煉金術中的凝結(coagulation)和溶解(solution)兩個術語為例,凝結和溶解實際上就是對宇宙韻律的回應:如旋繞─開展(involution-evolution)、吸入─呼出(inhalation-exhalation)等對立現象的統合,如心物合一、生死齊一等兩種相對韻律的統一,

4. coagulation在线翻译

4. 凝固:维生素K2 与血液凝固(coagulation)有关;维生素K2 除了可以促进骨钙的形成之外,亦可防止骨钙过度溶离流失. 因此血中维生素K2 的含量多寡亦是人体罹患骨质疏松症与否的关键指标. 吾人体内的维生素K2大多取自肠内细菌将食物水解转换合成而得.

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Thrombolytic therapy and anti-coagulation could effective improve the prognosis of PE patients.(溶栓治疗和抗凝治疗可有效改善患者预后。)
Blood becomes stickier to help coagulation in case of a cut.(切伤时,血液会变得很黏以帮助血凝固。)
The cellular elements supply oxygen (RBC), protect against foreign organisms and antigens (white cells), and initiate coagulation (platelets).(血细胞提供氧气(红细胞),抵御外来微生物和抗原(白细胞),并启动凝血(血小板)。)
In addition, coagulated tissue ACTS as a barrier to further penetration of acid (coagulation necrosis).(除此之外,凝固的组织也可作为屏障防止酸的进一步渗透(凝固性坏死)。)
The decoction of ginger charcoal has stronger effect than roasted ginger in shortening the blood coagulation time in mice.(生姜、干姜水煎液、醚提物均无明显缩短小鼠凝血时间的作用。)
It suggests that coagulation disturbance (DIC) was present in the patients with AOSC complicated by shock and could return to normal during recovery.(上述结果提示AOSC伴有休克的病人多有凝血障碍(DIC),随着病情好转,上述结果可恢复正常。)
Porosity increases along with the increasing of coagulation bath temperature, and doesn't have relation to pre-evaporation.(孔隙率随着凝固浴温度的上升而上升,而与预蒸发时间的长短没有关系;)
Objective To assess and design of internal quality control procedures of the coagulation test.(目的对凝血试验试验项目的质控方法进行评价和设计。)
That damaged the surrounding tissue enough to activate the coagulation system.((热量)产生的局部组织损伤足以激发凝血系统工作。)
Azoth is often associated with the alchemical principle of coagulation.(水银通常与炼金术中的凝结原理有关。)
coagulation是什么意思 coagulation在线翻译 coagulation什么意思 coagulation的意思 coagulation的翻译 coagulation的解释 coagulation的发音 coagulation的同义词