英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-08-19 15:21:21
  • 双语例句

1. From that day on, I don't collect dolls any more.

2. collect dolls的解释

2. From that day on, I did not collect dolls any more.

3. Some people collect dolls, others draw them, and still others make them.

4. If you collect Dolls, either as a hobby or have a business, this program is for you to keep those dolls organized and muchmore.

5. Collect all the hero dolls.

6. collect dolls

6. Some temples have asked industrial waste-disposers to collect the dolls, whilst others cut off certain parts of the dolls clothes to burn in special ovens following the ceremonies.


7. Girls often collect dolls.


8. XI. hobby, read stories, play computer games, paint pictures, collect dolls, keep a diary, collect stamps, collect stickers, make models, sew, knit, collect coins, play chess, travel and hike.

9. As Brian forced himself to walk into Room No.32 to collect Peggy's things, he saw the tiny paper dolls smiling back at him from the wall.

10. DAN: They collect all the posters, or dolls, or stickers

11. They keep pets, chat on the Net and collect things such as coins, dolls or stamps.

12. They also paint pictures or collect things such as coins, dolls or stamps.

They keep pets, chat on the Net and collect things such as coins, dolls or stamps.(他们养宠物、网上聊天,还搞收集,像硬币、玩具娃娃和邮票等。)
Her friend Michelle liked to collect dolls.(她的朋友米歇尔喜欢收藏洋娃娃。)
Others collect some matchbook covers, stamps bottles or dolls.(其他人收集一些火柴盒封面、邮票瓶或洋娃娃。)
As Brian forced himself to walk into Room No. 32 to collect Peggy's things, he saw the tiny paper dolls smiling back at him from the wall.(当布赖恩强迫自己走进32号病房,收拾佩吉的遗物时,看到了墙上那些冲他微笑的小小的纸娃娃们。)
Girls play dolls and dreams to be a daughter or a famous ballet dancer, boys collect comic about a super-hero and they want to be cool.(女孩玩洋娃娃和梦想,是一个女儿或著名芭蕾舞演员,男孩大约收集漫画超级英雄,他们要冷静。)
In Western countries, it is very popular to collect Barbie dolls.(在西方国家,收集芭比娃娃是非常流行的。)
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