英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-31 10:01:06



英 [kəˈmju:tə(r)]

美 [kəˈmjutɚ]


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1. a passenger train that is ridden primarily by passengers who travel regularly from one place to another

Synonym: commuter train

2. someone who travels regularly from home in a suburb to work in a city

1. 通勤者:1898年,当纽约市最终以现在的版图-五个行政区出现时,每天大约有30万通勤者(Commuter)来往于居住区和曼哈顿. 其中10万人是坐渡轮或布鲁克林大桥抵达城里的;其余的从新泽西坐渡轮抵达;从纽约上州威彻斯特县和康乃迪戈州来的通勤者主要依靠城际铁路.

2. commuter的翻译

2. 乘车上班族:comfortably-off level 小康水平 | commuter 乘车上班族 | complains box 意见箱

3. 月票乘客:city passenger flow 市区客流 | commuter 月票乘客 | compensation fare 补票

4. 交通工具的经常乘客:commutator 整流器 | commuter 交通工具的经常乘客 | compacted concrete 压实混凝土

We live in the commuter belt.(我们住在通勤者居住带。)
Subway, commuter rail, and buses will be shut down on Saturday across the region.(整个地区的地铁、轨道交通及公交系统将在周六关闭。)
You have to: Detroit has no commuter trains, no subway, metro or underground.(你必须这么做,因为底特律既没有火车,也没有地铁。)
The problem is that Congonhas is Brazil's busiest airport, a vital commuter hub.(原因之一是康根尼斯机场是巴西最繁忙的机场之一,也是重要的交流中心。)
Federal investigators later said the engineer on the commuter train was sending.(联邦调查人员后来说事发几秒钟前,客运列车上的工程师正用手机发着短信。)
My commuter class—the students who go to work right after their lesson.(这节课是给每天上下班的人上的——学生上完课就要去工作。)
The deal would have reduced competition in the commuter-aircraft market.(该交易本可以减少通勤飞机市场的竞争。)
The result has been growing commuter frustration.(这一改变引起了通勤上班族的不满。)
The commuter-rail system of a city ramifies from the centre. The farther out you go, the sparser it is.(一个城市的通勤铁路系统都是从市中心向外分支,走得越远,道路越少。)
The idea of an Aston Martin 'luxury commuter car' sounds like a double oxymoron. But it's not a joke.(阿斯顿·马丁“豪华通勤车”这个说法听上去真是滑稽得可笑,但它绝非玩笑。)
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