英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:27:35



英 [ˈkɒmpɒst]

美 [ˈkɑ:mpoʊst]



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过去式: composted 过去分词: composted 现在分词: composting 第三人称单数: composts

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1. a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure
used as a fertilizer


1. convert to compost

e.g. compost organic debris

1. 堆肥;混合肥料
Compost is a mixture of decayed plants and vegetable waste which is added to the soil to help plants grow.


e.g. ...a small compost heap.

2. (在花盆中栽培用的)特制土
Compost is specially treated soil that you buy and use to grow seeds and plants in pots.

3. 把…制成堆肥
To compost things such as unwanted bits of plants means to make them into compost.

e.g. Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops...
e.g. All garden waste should be composted and returned to the garden.

Composting is the ideal way of getting rid of vegetable, garden and organic waste.

1. compost

1. 堆肥:而我国生活垃圾较成熟的处理方式有卫生填埋(Sanitary Landfill)和堆肥(Compost)等. 堆肥就是利用微生物对有机废物进行分解腐熟而形成肥料. 卫生填埋则采取防渗、压实、覆盖和气体、渗沥水治理等环境保护措施的固体废物填埋方法,

2. 肥料:中文: 恐惧或反对全球化 (globalization) 的人. 中文: 仇恨音乐:仇恨音乐网站 (hate-music websites) 所播放的音乐和推销的音乐 CD;这些网站也贩卖充满仇恨的 T恤、钮扣、海报、保险杆贴纸、书籍并做枪枝广告. 中文: 被回收再处理做成混合肥料 (compost) 的人类排泄物 (大小便).

3. 混合肥料:中文:被回收再处理做成混合肥料 (compost) 的人类排泄物 (大小便). 其它:动词. 这 词组源自美国著名影星汤姆克鲁斯 (Tom Cruise) 今年 (2005) 5月23日上欧普拉 (Oprah Winfrey) 节目的一段插曲. 阿汤哥当时不知是吃错了什么药,

4. 混合物:compossible 可共存的 | compost 混合物 | composure 镇静

In my small garden I have 12 water butts, four compost bins, a vegetable plot and fruit trees.(我在园子里放了12只雨水收集桶,4只堆肥箱,开垦了一片菜地,种了点果树。)
The newspaper will quickly compost and absorb the awful smell grass clippings give off when they're stored for a while.(报纸可以快速混合吸收剪草储存一定时间后散发出的可怕的气味。)
Ultimately, it's more expensive to compost the food than throw it away.(最后,把它们用于堆肥比直接扔掉还要贵。)
Compost your rubbish to reduce your use of plastic bags.(多装垃圾以减少使用塑料袋。)
This year, the couple's main expense was dollar 180 in compost.(今年,这对夫妇主要的开销就是180美元的肥料。)
You can make compost from food waste at home with or without the help of worms.(你可以在家使用食物垃圾来制作堆肥,蚯蚓有无皆可。)
They eat table scraps, and their waste goes in the compost pile.(他们吃食物碎屑,然后他们的排泄物成为了有机的肥料。)
Think of what you can reduce and reuse, and call your county or city waste management to find out about local compost programs.(想想你可以减少的和重复利用的东西,打电话给你的县或城市废物管理部门,了解当地的堆肥计划。)
The process of making organically rich compost produces heat. This heat kills many, though not all, weed seeds.(制造有机堆肥的过程会产生热量。高温杀死了很多杂草种子,虽然不是全部。)
The compost is specially formulated for pot plants.(此混合肥料专门用于盆栽植物。)
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