Zeus gave a name to this scorpion, that is, Scorpio as constellation to warn people not to be arrogant.(宙斯为了警示人类自负的弱点,以那只立了大功的蝎子命名了一个星座,叫天蝎座。)
Constellation also intended to study the idea of establishing a moon colony.(星座计划还包括另一项任务-研究在月球上建立殖民地的可行性。)
Can you see Jupiter tonight, in front of the arrowhead-shaped constellation Capricornus the Seagoat?(今晚你能看到木星吗,在箭头状星座摩羯座的前面?)
Also known as M8, the nebula is a star-forming region in the constellation Sagittarius.(泻湖星云也被称为M8,它是人马座中的恒星形成区域。)
What you really want, though, is a constellation of services; servers are just a means to that end.(但您真正想要的,是一系列服务;服务器只是实现该目的一个手段。)
Obama's budget, which aims to cut funding in certain areas while increasing money used to create jobs, would cancel NASA's Constellation Program.(奥巴马的预算旨在削减某些领域的资金,同时增加用于创造就业的资金,这将使NASA的星座计划被取消。)
The meteors are called Leonids because they appear to come from the same direction as that of the constellation Leo the Lion.(这些流星之所以被冠之以“狮子座”的名称,那是因为它们好像与狮子星座来自同一方向。)
Brightclusters and nebulae abound in the northern constellation of Auriga.(御夫座北部有大量明亮的星团和星云。)
This planet sits in the southern constellation of Fornax.(这颗行星位于天炉星座的南部。)
Constellation rooms come with an alfresco terrace tub.(以星座命名的房间佩有露天阶梯式浴盆。)
constellation是什么意思 constellation在线翻译 constellation什么意思 constellation的意思 constellation的翻译 constellation的解释 constellation的发音 constellation的同义词