英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:19:30



英 [ˈkɒntʊə(r)]

美 [ˈkɑ:ntʊr]




过去式: contoured 过去分词: contoured 现在分词: contouring 第三人称单数: contours

  • 详情解释

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  • 轮廓
  • 外形
  • 轮廓线
  • 结构
  • 等高线
  • 周线
  • 恒值线
  • 【电视】等场强线
  • 概略
  • 形势
  • 【电】回路
  • 形状
  • 样子
  • 轮廓的描绘
  • 海岸线略图
  • 电路
  • 与某种轮廓相符的
  • 沿等高线的
  • 与轮廓相合的
  • 等高线的
  • 仿形的
  • 靠模的
  • 与轮廓相符的
  • 使制造得与轮廓相符的
  • 循等高线开沟的
  • 显示轮廓的
  • 使与某种轮廓相符
  • 以等高线标示
  • 画轮廓
  • 沿等高线开辟(道路)
  • 画地形线
  • 沿等高线开辟
  • 描画…的轮廓
  • 画…的等高线
  • 顺等高线(作业)
  • 成型
  • 循着高线横过山坡
  • 画…的等高线
  • 在…上标轮廓线
  • 使与轮廓相符
  • 循等高线筑
  • 画轮廓(画等高线)


1. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)

e.g. he could barely make out their shapes

Synonym: shapeformconfigurationconformation

2. a feature (or the order or arrangement of features) of anything having a complex structure

e.g. the contours of the melody
it defines a major contour of this administration

3. a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height

Synonym: contour line


1. form the contours of

1. 轮廓;外形
You can refer to the general shape or outline of an object as its contours .


e.g. ...the texture and colour of the skin, the contours of the body...
e.g. I cradled my video camera nervously on my lap, but its cold contours did nothing to comfort me.

2. (地图上的)等高线
A contour on a map is a line joining points of equal height and indicating hills, valleys, and the steepness of slopes.

e.g. There were three moderate climbs to just below the 450 feet contour.
e.g. ...a contour map showing two hills and this large mountain in the middle.


1. 轮廓:)轿车第4章 轮廓(Contour)与奥妙(Mystique)轿车第5章 大陆(Continental)轿车第7章 城市(Town)轿车第8章 野马(Mustang)轿车第9章 黑貂(Sable)和金牛星(Taurus)轿车第10章 探索(Probe)轿车第11章 护卫者(Escort)与追踪者(Tracer)轿车第12章 希望(Aspire)轿车第13章 烈马(Bronco),

2. 等高线:7.3.1 平行式(Paralletl)粗加工实例--流线型轿车粗铣7.3.2 放射(Radial)粗加工实例--流线型轿车粗铣7.3.3 钻削(Plunge)粗加工实例--加筋壳内腔零件粗铣7.3.4 流线(Flowline)粗加工实例--运动帽粗铣7.3.5 等高线(Contour)粗加工实例--加筋


3. 等高线图:对于双参数或多参数数据,既可以单独显示每个参数的直方图(histogram),也可以选择二维的散点图(dot plot)、等高线图(contour)或三维立体视图(pseudo 3D每一个细胞单参数的测量数据可以整理成统计分布,以直方图的方式来显示.

4. 外形:(3)外形(contour):包块的外形是否规则,边缘是否迟钝或与周围组织粘连固定. 大多数良性肿瘤表面多光滑规整,而恶性肿瘤则凹凸不平,边缘多固定. 然而,必须注意 炎性病变亦可出现不规则的外形. (4)硬度(consistencyr):包块的硬软度必须明确叙述.

  • 经典引文

  • The sides..bulging outward with the contour of the ship.

    出自:R. L. Stevenson
  • Her firm tawny body whose contours reminded me of the low-lying Tunisian hills.

    出自:J. Anthony
You can use it to construct x-y graphs, contour plots, and image graphs with fine control over graphing attributes.(可以使用它来构造x-y图、轮廓图以及可以通过图形属性进行精细控制的图像。)
OK, so these are examples of contour plots in real life. OK, no questions?(这些都是现实生活中关于等高线图的例子,有问题吗?)
So, here's version two of my plot where I've added the contour plot of a function, xy on top of the vector field.(这是第二张函数图,我在上面添加了函数xy的轮廓,放在了向量场上面。)
That is the contour plot of f with a hyperbola on top of it.(上面这个是f的等高线,黄色的就是双曲线。)
But, the contour plots look exactly the same.(然而,等高线图是完全一样的。)
The second problem is one about writing a contour plot.(第二题是找等高线。)
While shapes are mostly defined by a contrast between elements, they're also defined by their contour, or edge.(虽然形状主要是通过元素间的对比来定义,但它们也可以借助轮廓线或边来定义。)
Having to custom cut each shingle to match the contour of the curves slowed my progress.(为了配合曲线轮廓,必须切削每块木瓦,这减慢了我的进度。)
we've seen is how to actually view a function of two variables in terms of its graph and its contour plot.(我们学过怎样认识二元函数,从它的图像和等高线的角度来看。)
So, the contour plot, well, let me actually zoom out.(我们来放大它的等高线图。)
contour是什么意思 contour在线翻译 contour什么意思 contour的意思 contour的翻译 contour的解释 contour的发音 contour的同义词