The contrite tech then confessed that two of his close relatives had died from cancer and apologized to both of us.(这位追悔莫及的技术员后来交待,他的两个亲人被癌症夺走了生命。他向我们俩表达了歉意。)
A contrite Sucre explains that he can't seem to reach Maricruz on her cell phone.(Sucre懊悔地向她解释,他打不通Maricruz的手机。)
The sorrow of a contrite heart.(痛恨的心有一种伤感。)
Of that school. If you act contrite in the right way that is, seriously and.(如果你马上认真而诚恳的道歉,你道歉一次就够了。)
In fact, he sounded somber and contrite.(事实上,他的声音听起来又沮丧又后悔。)
The bank management’s response, in a document dated February 18th, is also contrite.(世界银行管理层于2月18日发文对此事做出的回应亦表露悔意。)
Life is a chain of contrite or enjoyable moments not only about should or not.(生活就是一连串的悔与乐,不是该不该的问题。)
I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified, I was not contrite enough.(我同意一些人的这种看法——在作证后的第一次声明中,我没有表现出足够的悔悟。)
The sorrow of a contrite heart - These things shall never die.(懊悔的心有一种伤感,这些美好不会消逝。)
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, o God, thou wilt not despise.(神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵。神阿,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看。)
contrite是什么意思 contrite在线翻译 contrite什么意思 contrite的意思 contrite的翻译 contrite的解释 contrite的发音 contrite的同义词