英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:20:55


英 [ˌkɒnvəˈles]

美 [ˌkɑ:nvəˈles]


过去式: convalesced 过去分词: convalesced 现在分词: convalescing 第三人称单数: convalesces

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1. get over an illness or shock

e.g. The patient is recuperating

Synonym: recuperaterecover

1. 逐渐康复;病后疗养
If you are convalescing, you are resting and getting your health back after an illness or operation.

e.g. After two weeks, I was allowed home, where I convalesced for three months.
e.g. ...those convalescing from illness or surgery.

1. 康复:controvert 争论 | convalesce 康复 | convalescence 康复期

2. 渐愈:conurbation 集合城市 | convalesce 渐愈 | convalescence 恢复期

3. (病)康复,复原:acquiesce 勉强同意,默认 | coalesce 联合,合并,结合 | convalesce (病)康复,复原

4. 渐渐康复:conurbation 集合城市 | convalesce 渐渐康复 | convalesceconvalescence 渐愈

  • 经典引文

  • They..were sent off to Bath to convalesce.

    出自:Q. Bell
  • 近义词

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The volcanic scenery and mineral spring turn Udalianchi City into the famous resort good for tour and convalesce.(火山景观和矿泉资源使五大连池市成为著名的旅游疗养胜地。)
He was calling to ask me where he should convalesce in the event of his being injured, there in Texas or at home in Pennsylvania.(他在电话中还问我,如果他负了伤,是该在得克萨斯州还是在宾夕法尼亚州的家中养伤。)
Although no new images of him have been published since early June, newspaper articles continue to be published under his name and officials insist he continues to convalesce.(虽然七月初以来就再也没有他的新照片公布,报纸文章还一如既往地以他的名义发表,官员们仍然坚持他在逐渐康复。)
The wound cicatrization demand time treats slowly, but love wound has no way to convalesce.(伤口的愈合需要时间去慢慢治疗,但是爱情的伤口是没法痊愈的。)
Conclusion Correct rehabilitated nursing and discharging guide contribute to patients convalesce and improvement of live quality.(结论正确的康复护理及出院指导有助于患者功能康复及生活质量的提高。)
Forever could not convalesce.(永远痊愈不了。)
Catching a case of backwater fever, he returned to France to convalesce.(感染了当地的高烧后,他回到法国治疗。)
Results All cases of illness convalesce leaves the hospital.(结果所有病例均痊愈出院。)
The study's authors stress that outpatient thyroid surgery should involve the careful selection of candidates based on medical history and desire to convalesce at home.(该研究的作者强调门诊甲状腺手术需要根据医疗史和在家康复的愿望来仔细选择病人。)
Convalescent people are comparatively sensitive when they convalesce in a new surrounding.(疗养员入院疗养,来到了一个新的环境,心理比较敏感。)
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