英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:23:32



英 [ˈkɒrəl]

美 [ˈkɔ:rəl]




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  • 珊瑚
  • 珊瑚虫
  • 龙虾卵
  • 珊瑚制品,珊瑚饰物, 珊瑚工艺品,珊瑚玩具
  • 珊瑚红,珊瑚色,橘红色
  • 考罗尔(音译名)
  • 珊瑚树
  • 珊瑚色的,橘红色的,红色的,粉红的,桃红色的
  • 珊瑚的
  • 珊瑚制的
  • 产珊瑚的
  • [U]珊瑚 a white,pink,or reddish stonelike or hornlike substance formed from the bones of very small sea animals


1. marine colonial polyp characterized by a calcareous skeleton
masses in a variety of shapes often forming reefs

2. a variable color averaging a deep pink

3. unfertilized lobster roe
reddens in cooking
used as garnish or to color sauces

4. the hard stony skeleton of a Mediterranean coral that has a delicate red or pink color and is used for jewelry

Synonym: red coralprecious coral


1. of a strong pink to yellowish-pink color

1. 珊瑚
Coral is a hard substance formed from the bones of very small sea animals. It is often used to make jewellery.

e.g. The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral.

2. 珊瑚虫
Corals are very small sea animals.

3. 珊瑚色;珊瑚红;橘红色
Something that is coral is dark orangey-pink in colour.

e.g. ...coral lipstick.
e.g. ...the coral-colored flower buds.

1. 珊瑚色:颜色尺寸:紫色(purple)/均码(FREE)黑色(black)/均码(FREE)珊瑚色(coral)/均码(FREE)象牙色(ivory)/均码(FREE)尺寸说明:商品材质: %详细说明:???..???

2. 珊瑚红:2、 纯棉、纯麻的面料,沁盈着砂洗过的色彩,从靛蓝(indigo)到麦杆黄(straw)、从驼黄(caramel)到珊瑚红(coral)多个色阶,为Pal Zileri经典系列带来明快、丰沛的色彩感受.

3. coral什么意思

3. 海石花:此次展会也展出了部分国内的先进纺织机械设备,如上海海石花(Coral)络筒机. 该机器能改变传统倒毛技术,减少倒毛时断头的增加,保证纱线的张力均匀,上蜡均匀;最终达到减少电脑横机的停机次数、停机时间,减少长短片的增加,

4. coral:comparison of recognition algorithms; 识别算法的比较

5. coral:command radio link; 司令部无线电通信链路

6. coral:computer online real-time applications language; 计算机在线实时应用语言

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The sting of coral can be very painful.
  • The profusion of shapes and colours of the corals.

    出自:D. Attenborough
The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral.(女士们拥有绿宝石和粉色珊瑚制成的精美项链。)
The adult ones converge on remaining portions of healthy coral and feed hungrily.(成年珊瑚聚集在健康珊瑚的剩余部分上,饥饿地进食。)
This of course has beneficial results for the nearby coral reefs.(这当然对附近的珊瑚礁有益。)
A sea urchin is nestled in a coral formation off Bonaire Island.(一只海胆正舒适地安定在博内尔岛外的珊瑚丛里。)
Oil pollution could damage the fragile ecology of the coral reefs.(石油污染可能破坏珊瑚礁脆弱的生态环境。)
A single Acanthaster can consume five to six square meters of coral polyps per year.(一只棘冠海星每年可以吃掉5到6平方米的珊瑚虫。)
Coral reefs are one of the most fragile, biologically complex, and diverse marine ecosystems on Earth.(珊瑚礁是地球上最脆弱、生态性最复杂、最多样化的海洋生态系统之一。)
Coral larvae settle among the algae and eventually establish flourishing coral colonies.(珊瑚幼虫在藻类中定居,并最终形成繁盛的珊瑚群落。)
Overfishing can be seriously disruptive to coral.(过度捕捞会严重破坏珊瑚。)
On a coral reef in the Bonin Islands, an abandoned wormhole is home to a hermit crab.(在小笠原群岛一个珊瑚礁上,一个废弃的虫洞是寄居蟹的家。)
coral是什么意思 coral在线翻译 coral什么意思 coral的意思 coral的翻译 coral的解释 coral的发音 coral的同义词