英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:26:21



英 [ˈkəʊtəri]

美 [ˈkoʊtəri]



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1. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

Synonym: cliqueingroupinner circlepackcamp

1. (志趣相投而排外的)小集团,小圈子
A coterie of a particular kind is a small group of people who are close friends or have a common interest, and who do not want other people to join them.

e.g. The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers.

1. 同行:cotenant 共同租地人 | coterie 同行 | coterminal 共终端的

2. coterie

2. 同人:coterie 圈内人 | coterie 同人 | coterie 同人

3. 圈内人:cotenant 合租人 | coterie 圈内人 | coterie 同人

4. 小团体,小圈子:colt 小马 | coterie小团体,小圈子 | cottage 小屋

  • 经典引文

  • She found herself elected to an honorary membership of the fastest, smartest..coterie.

    出自:M. Drabble
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

As a coterie press, Shiwubao was founded in 1896 by diverse groups.(作为一个同人刊物,1896年创办的《时务报》是由不同群体所共同参与创办。)
Helen won't bowl with us; she has her own coterie of bowling friends.(海伦不会跟我们打保龄球;她自己有一群打保龄球的朋友。)
Welcome the coterie of medical device field to our company. Waiting for the cheerful cooperation with you cordially.(欢迎医疗器械同行来我们公司,期待和您真诚的合作。)
The coterie magazine had acted an very important role in Wusi times, the relationships tangled with Wusi culture enabled itself to have the unprecedented complexity and the born vulnerability.(同人杂志在五四时期扮演了至关重要的角色,它与五四文化这种纠结的关系使其本身具有空前的复杂性和与生俱来的脆弱性。)
The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it.(计算机病毒系一小撮存心不良的黑客所为,这些人纯属为了搞恶作剧而编造有毒软件。)
The Guardian data also shows that a coterie of elite bosses at the helm of multinational corporations are seeing their overall pay packets soar ever higher.(《卫报》的调查数据还显示,那些执掌跨国公司的小部分精英老板所获得的整体薪酬待遇飙升得更高。)
The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers.(他录的歌曲是由一个忠实的作家小群体所撰写的。)
There’s a coterie of news hounds calling themselves as citizen journalists behind Wikinews.(在维基新闻的背后有一个被称作公民记者的新闻获取小圈子。)
Greg and his coterie were not the first to make art out of abandonment in Detroit;(在底特律,格雷格和他的小圈子并不是第一批将废宅变为艺术的人;)
Seventy-five years after Benjamin Graham and David Dodd wrote Security Analysis, a growing coterie of modern-day value investors remain deeply indebted to them.(本杰明·格雷厄姆和大卫·多德写成《证券分析》已经七十五个春秋了,摩登时代的价值投者家们不断加入其同仁的行列,至今仍对他们感激涕零。)
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