英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 09:43:06

count out

英 [kaunt aut]

美 [kaʊnt aʊt]

点数; 不把 ... 计算在内; 拳击中判输
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1. declare the loser

1. 数(钱)
If you count out a sum of money, you count the notes or coins as you put them in a pile one by one.

count out在线翻译

e.g. Mr. Rohmbauer counted out the money and put it in an envelope.

2. 不把…算入;不包括
If you tell someone to count you out, you mean that you do not want to be included in an activity.

e.g. If this is the standard to which I have to drop to gain membership, then count me out!


1. 点...的数:count on 依靠;期待,指望 | count out 点...的数 | count up 把...加起来,共计

2. 排除在外:count in 包括在内 | count out 排除在外 | cut down on 减少某方面的数量、价格等

3. 数出:have contact with 与......联系 | count out 数出 | be blessed with 具有

4. 宣告失败:counter out台上裁判员 | count out宣告失败 | counter puncher善于反击的拳击手

Don't count out the Denver Nuggets just yet tomorrow night on ESPN at 9:00pm.(不要指望在ESPN进行的丹佛掘金队还只是明天晚上九时。)
The clergyman had risen, and holding out his hand, he said cordially: "I shall count on you next winter, neighbor."(牧师站起身来,伸出手来,热诚地说:“明年冬天,我希望你会下山来,邻居。”)
If I asked you to count out 8.7 million pennies, that would take you a while, even if you had a whole lot of people doing it.(如果我让你去数870万便士的话,那将耗掉你好一会儿的时间——即使是一大帮子人在数。)
Don't count out this crazy broad to get in the "middle" of things either.(不要计算出这个疯狂的博大,在“中间”的东西。)
With your eyes closed, try breathing in through your nose to a count of three, and out through your mouth slowly to a count of six.(闭上眼睛,试着从一数到三用鼻子吸气,再从四数到六慢慢吐出来。)
But it would be rash to count the big three out.(但是这将草率地将三大巨头排除在外。)
For one of the tests, test subjects were told to count out a stack of $100 dollarbills and then immerse their hands in hot water.(其中一个测试要求一组受测者数一沓100美元面额的钞票,然后将手浸入热水中。)
It's also too early to count out the longstanding rich countries' club called the Group of Seven.(而且将长期的富国俱乐部七国集团排除在外也为时过早。)
How would I figure it out? What would count as a positive proof?(我怎么能知道呢?什么能算有力的证据呢?)
Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks. She would lift the heavy bag, load it on her narrow shoulders, and carry it the long way home.(每次她来母亲都会数给她一包“攒”了几个礼拜的脏衣物,而她会用她那窄小的双肩扛起那包沉沉的衣物走很长一段路。)
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