英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:49:35



英 [ˈkrækə(r)]

美 [ˈkrækɚ]




  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 爆竹
  • 鞭炮
  • 破碎器
  • 胡桃钳
  • 破碎机
  • 彩包爆竹(在英国用于圣诞聚会和聚餐通常装有纸帽、小礼品及笑话纸条)
  • 吹牛者
  • 十分愉快的事
  • 滑稽可笑的事
  • 车把式
  • 饼干
  • 薄脆饼干(多为咸味常与干酪一起食用)
  • 彩色拉炮(在英国用于圣诞聚会和聚餐通常装有纸帽、小礼品及笑话纸条)
  • 有魅力的女人
  • 迷人的女子
  • 脆饼
  • 谎话
  • 胡桃夹
  • 牙齿
  • 破解专家
  • 骇客解密者
  • 黑客(指怀有恶意的人在未获授权的情况下企图侵入计算机系统内的行为)
  • [C]薄脆饼干 thin flaky dry biscuit,typically eaten with cheese
  • [C]爆竹;鞭炮 small firework that explodes with a sharp sound
  • [C]迷人的姑娘;有魅力的女子 attractive girl or woman


1. a party favor consisting of a paper roll (usually containing candy or a small favor) that pops when pulled at both ends

Synonym: snappercracker bonbon

2. firework consisting of a small explosive charge and fuse in a heavy paper casing

Synonym: firecrackerbanger

3. a thin crisp wafer made of flour and water with or without leavening and shortening
unsweetened or semisweet

4. a programmer who cracks (gains unauthorized access to) computers, typically to do malicious things

e.g. crackers are often mistakenly called hackers

5. a poor White person in the southern United States

Synonym: redneck

1. (常配干酪一起吃的)薄脆饼干
A cracker is a thin, crisp biscuit which is often eaten with cheese.


2. 有魅力的人;令人喜爱的事物
If you say that someone or something is a cracker, you like and admire them very much.

e.g. She's a cracker...
e.g. 'Dude' is a cracker of an album.

3. 彩色爆竹,彩色拉炮(在英国主要用于圣诞节,通常装有小玩具和纸帽)
A cracker is a hollow cardboard tube covered with coloured paper. Crackers make a loud noise when they are pulled apart and usually contain a small toy and a paper hat. In Britain they are used mainly at Christmas.


e.g. ...a Christmas cracker.

4. 疯狂的;发狂的
If you say that someone is crackers, you think they are crazy or are behaving as if they are crazy.

e.g. They looked at her as though she was crackers.

1. cracker的意思

1. 解密高手:此外,也有人问我,这本书是否最终会成为<>(Cracker)之后的一部新电视连续剧的原型. 撰写虚构作品可能有更有利的市场,尽管受到这样的诱惑,但我还是决定要写一本学术著作,试图评述当前特征剖析知识的情况. 最后证明,

2. cracker的翻译

2. 爆竹:在我编这个神秘之门的解谜游戏的时候,我想起了那些爆竹(cracker)谜语(这些爆竹是一种英国人用于圣诞节的东西;可能你们不知道,它是一种预先包装且装饰好了的纸板桶子,里面通常有一顶纸帽子和一份礼物--一般是些小的,

3. 刽客:然而,有另外一群人,或是为了炫耀个人的技术能力,或为了个人的不法利益,而进行侵入或攻击他人网站的行为,这种人我们通常称之为刽客(Cracker),以和骇客(Hacker)有所区别.

  • 常用例句

  • Crackers alone eat very dry.
  • The night was noisy with crackers.
  • She is a cracker.
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Cashiers have been told to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under 16.(收银员已经被告知核对任何看似低于16岁以下年龄的顾客。)
Paperboard (soda box, cracker box, cereal box).(纸板(饮料盒,饼干盒,麦片盒都可以)。)
The liver is served in a soup, and the spine is deep-fried and eaten like a cracker.(肝脏入汤,油炸透的脊骨可以当饼干吃。)
I spread mustard on a cracker, and pretended not to have heard anything.(我把芥末酱涂在饼干上,假装没听到。)
You shave with a cracker?(你用饼干刮胡子么?)
There are many ways you can inadvertently expose yourself to a cracker inside an intranet.(有许多种方式会使您不经意地将自己暴露给intranet内部的骇客。)
Ophcrack, a Windows Password cracker, USES the Rainbow Tables technique.(一个Windows密码破解工具,正是利用了Rainbow表技巧。)
A cracker sprinkled with salt before baking.(烘焙前撒上一层盐的薄脆饼干。)
It was a cracker of a goal.(这球进得真精彩。)
Most Linux distributions install with a password cracker module activated for password changes.(大多数的Linux发行版本安装时都会启用passwordcracker模块,用于修改密码。)
cracker是什么意思 cracker在线翻译 cracker什么意思 cracker的意思 cracker的翻译 cracker的解释 cracker的发音 cracker的同义词