英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:32:01



英 [krɪb]

美 [krɪb]



名词: cribber 过去式: cribbed 过去分词: cribbed 现在分词: cribbing 第三人称单数: cribs

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 秣槽
  • 抄袭
  • 小儿床
  • 粮仓
  • 贮藏箱
  • 木屋
  • 作弊用的夹带
  • 剽窃
  • 牛槛
  • 牛舍
  • 儿童床
  • 摇篮
  • 【建】叠木框架
  • 脚手架
  • 木头小屋
  • 小房间
  • 狭小的地方
  • 偷窃
  • 饲料槽
  • 牛棚是前苏联制造的雅克-6、雅克-8运输机
  • 被发现作弊
  • 抄袭
  • 剽窃
  • 将…放进粮仓
  • 把…关住
  • 关进(狭小的地方)
  • 拘束
  • 偷窃
  • 作弊
  • 作挟带
  • 用注释本
  • 搁秣槽(在牛栏等里)
  • 咬秣槽
  • 关入栅栏
  • 把…关进小屋
  • 在…上设置饲槽
  • 盗窃
  • 有咽气癖
  • 夹带
  • 拘禁
  • 在…设置框支架
  • 幽闭
  • 使闭门不出
  • [C]〈尤美〉(有栏杆的)小儿床 a bed for a baby or young child
  • [C](尤指在学校的)抄袭,剽窃 sth copied dishonestly from sb else's work,especially at school
  • vt. 抄袭,剽窃 copy (sth) dishonestly from sb else


1. a card game (usually for two players) in which each player is dealt six cards and discards one or two

Synonym: cribbage

2. the cards discarded by players at cribbage

3. baby bed with high sides made of slats

Synonym: cot

4. a bin or granary for storing grains

5. a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)

Synonym: ponytrot



1. line with beams or planks

e.g. crib a construction hole

2. take unauthorized (intellectual material)

3. use a crib, as in an exam

1. 婴儿床
A crib is a bed for a small baby.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 cot

2. 抄袭;剽窃
If you crib, you copy something that someone else has written and pretend that it is your own work.

e.g. You have been cribbing from Bennett...
e.g. He had been caught cribbing in an exam.


1. 婴儿床:玩具就是费雪(fisher price)了,虽然它的玩具召回事件以后心里总是咯噔,但是美泰太垄断市场了,除了费雪,其他选择不仅少而且设计感觉也不好. 在一切停当之后,Pink小屋的最大件物品--婴儿床(Crib)一直让财迷的秧秧妈下不了决心,因

2. 小儿床:她喜欢脸朝前被抱着,这样她可以更好地看前面的风景;她现在可以一个人睡她的摇篮床和小儿床(Crib)了,一个人睡不怕了,她全身不由自主地抽动的次数越来越少了;她吃奶量与日俱增,睡觉更好了,现在她吃奶时全由她自己掌握,

3. crib什么意思

3. 框形物:crest level 顶部高程 | crib 框形物 | crib cofferdam 木龙围堰

4. 木垛:cresylic acid 甲酚 | crib 木垛 | crib bed 基础垛盘

5. crib:computerized resources information bank; 电脑化资源信息库

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Keep the baby in the crib.
  • Some of his answers were cribs from yours.
  • The lazy student cribbed the composition off me.
  • Where no Oxen are, the crib is cleane.

    出自:Bible (AV): Proverbs
  • I am cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd, bound in.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Then when I hear the voice of the interviewer saying "Really? What about the time when you set fire to her crib?"(之后我就听到采访者说,“是么?”,那那次你烧她的儿童床,是怎么回事呢?)
There must be hundreds of straws in our crib-maybe a thousand.(我们的摇篮里肯定有几百根稻草了——或许已有上千根了。)
In the middle of the room, was a crib.(屋子中间放着一张婴儿床。)
Today, we've upped the ante with photos of adorable baby pandas snuggling in a crib.(今天,我们为大家推出可爱的熊猫宝宝依偎在婴儿床上的萌照。)
Have you bought a crib yet?(你买婴儿床了吗?)
Nyah, much smaller then, is dozing in her crib by the bed.(娜雅,那时候比现在小得多,正在她的婴儿床里打盹呢。)
In her crib, Bonnie whimpered at the sight of her mother being seized.(在她的小床里,邦尼看见妈妈被抓住就呜呜地哭了。)
You’ve been so good these last few weeks, but I know something’s been bothering you since we first started the crib.(过去这几周,你一直表现得很棒,但我知道从一开始我们张罗那个摇篮,你就有点心事。)
When they got back home, as soon as he lowered her into the crib, she began to shout and wave her arms.(当他们回到家里,他刚把她放进小床里她就大声地喊,还挥动双臂。)
One night, my sister wanted to sleep in the room to see why he woke up screaming every time we put him in his crib fast asleep.(一天,我姐姐打算睡在那个房间,想知道为什么每次我们把他放在婴儿床上熟睡时,他就会尖叫着醒来。)
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