英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:13:53



英 [ˈkru:əlti]

美 [ˈkruəlti]


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名词复数: cruelties

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 残酷
  • 残忍
  • 残酷的行为
  • 刻毒伤人的言语
  • 残暴
  • 残暴的行为
  • 不公
  • 冷酷
  • 刻毒
  • 残酷行为
  • 横蛮行为
  • 【律】虐待
  • 残酷待遇
  • 暴虐残酷的办法
  • 狠心
  • 无情
  • 残忍的行为
  • 尖刻的语言


1. a cruel act
a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering

Synonym: inhuman treatment

2. the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance

Synonym: cruelnessharshness

3. feelings of extreme heartlessness

Synonym: mercilessnesspitilessnessruthlessness

1. 残暴;残忍;残酷
Cruelty is behaviour that deliberately causes pain or distress to people or animals.


e.g. Britain had laws against cruelty to animals but none to protect children...
e.g. He had been unable to escape the cruelties of war.

1. 残酷:一月二十日 野麻花(Dead Nettle) 残酷(Cruelty) : 野 麻花的花是粉红色的管状花,最特殊的是它的叶子. 虽然外表是可爱的心形却有刺,一不小心碰触到,会被刺得哇哇叫. 因此野 麻花的花语是-残酷. 受到这种花祝福而诞生的人,

2. 残忍残酷:terror恐怖 恐怖时期 恐怖活动 | cruelty残忍残酷 | reward报酬;奖金酬劳.奖赏

3. 干掉一个敌人,捡起他的枪,再用他的枪再干掉他一次:Rival 一场比赛里干掉同一个敌人五次 | Cruelty 干掉一个敌人,捡起他的枪,再用他的枪再干掉他一次 | Think Fast 用Frag手雷砸死敌人

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.cruelty

The agreement was that Brutus had acted with cruelty when other options were available to him.

大家一致认为, 虽然 Brutus 有其他的选择, 但他却选择了残忍的方式。


  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There must be hypocrisy as well as cruelty.(事实上,伪善与残酷的虐待是同在的。)
Don’t accept culture as an excuse for cruelty.(不要让“文化”作为残忍对待动物的借口。)
Northup worked hard and endured much cruelty, but he was always looking for the chance to escape or contact his family and friends in New York.(诺瑟普努力工作并忍受了很多残酷的事情,但他一直在寻找机会逃离或联系他在纽约的家人和朋友。)
We must all fight against unfairness and cruelty.(我们大家必须与不公正和残暴作斗争。)
Thy cruelty shall cost thee thy life!(你的残忍将使你付出生命的代价!)
Lying, stealing, dishonesty and cruelty are SINS.(说谎、偷窃、不诚实和残忍都是罪孽。)
He was treated with great cruelty.(他受到残酷虐待。)
Weakness in others brought out Sontag’s cruelty.(他人的懦弱令她显得残酷。)
I could never stomach the cruelty involved in the wounding of animals.(我永远无法忍受伤害动物的残暴行为。)
The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story.(两个年轻人的冷漠和残忍在这个真实的故事里被生动地表现了出来。)
cruelty是什么意思 cruelty在线翻译 cruelty什么意思 cruelty的意思 cruelty的翻译 cruelty的解释 cruelty的发音 cruelty的同义词