英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:34:44



英 [kru:z]

美 [kruz]

n.巡航;漫游; 游艇


过去式: cruised 过去分词: cruised 现在分词: cruising 第三人称单数: cruises

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  • 巡航,航行,巡游,巡弋
  • 巡逻
  • 游览,周游,旅行,四处游逛
  • 乘船游览,航游
  • 漫游
  • 航游,航行,巡航,巡逻,巡行,巡游,巡弋,游弋
  • 游览,周游
  • (驾车)兜风,缓慢巡行,慢速行驶,(出租汽车)慢行兜客,在街上慢行兜揽生意
  • 【航空学】以最省油的巡航速度飞行
  • 猎艳,寻觅性伙伴
  • 以经济巡航速度驾驶,以快而平稳的速度长距离行驶
  • 缓慢巡行于,慢速行驶于,巡航于
  • 勾搭(异性),寻欢
  • 漫游于,徘徊于
  • 乘船游览,乘船巡游
  • 轻而易举赢得,轻取
  • vi. 乘船巡游 sail in an unhurried way, especially for pleasure
  • vi. 以快而平稳的速度长距离行驶 move at a fast but steady speed, especially on a long journey
  • [C]乘船游览 a sea voyage for pleasure


1. an ocean trip taken for pleasure

Synonym: sail


1. sail or travel about for pleasure, relaxation, or sightseeing

e.g. We were cruising in the Caribbean

2. travel at a moderate speed

e.g. Please keep your seat belt fastened while the plane is reaching cruising altitude

3. drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure

e.g. She cruised the neighborhood in her new convertible

4. look for a sexual partner in a public place

e.g. The men were cruising the park

1. 乘船游览;航游
A cruise is a holiday during which you travel on a ship or boat and visit a number of places.

e.g. He and his wife were planning to go on a world cruise...
e.g. The next stop on this cruise is likely to be in Cornwall.

2. 乘船游览;航游
If you cruise a sea, river, or canal, you travel around it or along it on a cruise.

e.g. She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge...
e.g. During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany.

...a 51ft cruising yacht.

3. (车、船或飞机)以平稳且舒适的速度行驶,缓慢行进
If a car, ship, or aircraft cruises somewhere, it moves there at a steady comfortable speed.


e.g. A black and white police car cruised past.

4. (球队或运动员)轻而易举赢得,轻取
If a team or sports player cruises to victory, they win easily.

e.g. Graf looked in awesome form as she cruised to an easy victory.

5. (在公共场所,尤指男同性恋者)寻找性伙伴,猎艳
If a gay man is cruising, he is searching in public places for a sexual partner.

e.g. ...gay men cruising on Clapham Common.

1. 漫游:游戏中包括记时赛(Blitz)、检查点(Checkpoint)、漫游(Cruise)等游戏模式. 在城市中的狂飙往往给人留下深刻的印象. <>是一款将赛车赛道设于世界最迷人的二座城市:巴黎与华盛顿特区,

2. 巡航:状态 起飞(T.O) 巡航(Cruise) 空对空攻击(A/A) 空对地攻击(A/G) 着陆(LDG)分状态 A.塔康(TACAN)B.塔康(TACAN)C.目的地(DEST)在平板上还装有敌我识别器(IFF)的天线.

3. 巡游:B), 观赏已有百年历史的西方古钟 十一天 周二 英语课 海上巡游(CRUISE集体乘坐大型豪华游船,穿越达令港(Dariling Habour)、悉尼港湾大桥(Habour Bridge)、澳洲标志性建筑-悉尼歌剧院(Opera House)、悉尼港湾,在船上享受丰盛的西餐,

4. 邮轮:邮轮简介 邮轮(Cruise)在欧美已经有一百多年的历史,而真正意义上的现代邮轮业则起始于上个世纪六七十年代的北美. 经过几十年的发展,邮轮业(The Cruise Industrty)已经成为欧美旅游产业中一个重要的组成部分. 邮轮除了大家都明白的旅游休闲功能外,其另外一...

  • 常用例句

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  • 经典引文

  • They will go cruising in the Mediterranean.
  • The car was cruising along at 100 kilometers an hour.
  • They went on a cruise to Tenerife.
  • Few people can afford to go on a cruise around the world.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The Amelia was cruising off the peninsula.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • He cruised the waters of Newfoundland and Northern Labrador in a small sailboat and in a kayak..on vacations with his family.

  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 1650年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的cruz,意为十字,纵横相交。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge.(她想坐驳船游览法国的运河。)
Sun Cruise had received "some advice" from Malaysia on the matter, The Business Times newspaper quoted company spokeswoman Judy Choo as saying.(《商业时报》援引太阳邮轮发言人周朱迪的话称,该公司已收到马来西亚方面的“一些建议”。)
Cruise ships in the Caribbean produce a lot of rubbish—more than 70,000 tons each year.(加勒比海的游轮产生大量的垃圾——每年超过7万吨。)
What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?(你需要的是换个环境。为何不乘游轮去旅行呢?)
He was billed as the new Tom Cruise.(他被宣传为新汤姆•克鲁斯。)
We went on a cruise, a first for both of us.(我俩都是平生第一次去海上旅游。)
I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.(我很想乘船周游世界。)
The weather may be somewhat cold during Dec which isn't good for cruise.(天气可能在12月期间有些冷,这不利于巡航。)
Because there wouldn't have been a refund on our cruise fare if we returned home, we had to pay for a hotel room and meals in the city and an airfare to fly to the first island on the ship's route.(因为如果我们回到家,我们的邮轮费用就不会退了,所以我们不得不在城里住旅馆,吃晚饭,还要支付去邮轮线路上第一个岛的机票钱。)
The cruise included several days ashore.(这次航行包括几天陆上行程。)
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