vt.给 ... 提示;把 ... 插入演出
过去式: cued 过去分词: cued 现在分词: cuing 第三人称单数: cues
1. sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards
Synonym: cue stickpool cuepool stick
2. a stimulus that provides information about what to do
Synonym: discriminative stimulus
3. evidence that helps to solve a problem
Synonym: clueclew
4. an actor's line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech
1. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned
Synonym: promptremind
1. (戏剧或音乐表演的)提示,暗示,尾白
In the theatre or in a musical performance, a performer's cue is something another performer says or does that is a signal for them to begin speaking, playing, or doing something.
e.g. The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues...
e.g. I had never known him miss a cue.
2. 给(演员)暗示(或提示);为…提示
If one performer cues another, they say or do something which is a signal for the second performer to begin speaking, playing, or doing something.
e.g. He read the scene, with Seaton cueing him.
3. 暗示;提示;信号
If you say that something that happens is a cue for an action, you mean that people start doing that action when it happens.
e.g. That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining...
e.g. That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie.
4. (台球等的)球杆
A cue is a long, thin wooden stick that is used to hit the ball in games such as snooker, billiards, and pool.
e.g. Their youngest brother was nine when he picked up a cue for the first time.
5. 恰好在这时;就在这时候
If you say that something happened on cue or as if on cue, you mean that it happened just when it was expected to happen, or just at the right time.
e.g. Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry...
e.g. 'It's almost eight o'clock.' As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins.
6. 模仿…的样子做;学…的样
If you take your cue from someone or something, you do something similar in a particular situation.
e.g. Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.
1. 球杆:球杆(Cue) 用于击打主球的木制用具. 加长把(Extension) 加在球杆尾部的一根短短棒用于增加球杆长度,当主球远离选手时帮助选手击打主球. 架杆(Rest) 用于支撑球杆的具有铜制的X形头部的木杆,当选手的非持杆手手臂不够长时,
2. 暗示:纽约电视台捐赠了价值 60 万美元的广告时间.广播广告是本顿暨鲍 尔斯公司制作的,广播电台捐赠了价值 10 万美元的广告时间播放这些广告.印刷广告是扬 罗必凯和我们合制的,<>,<>,<>(Newsweek)和<> (Cue)都免费刊载了这些广
3. 信号:当信号(cue)改变,但是位置不变时,细胞的放电速率(firing rate)表现出大小差异,但在空间选择性上则是相同的. 当位置改变,信号不变时,神经元的放电速率和空间选择性都发生了改变. 这些独立的编码方案使得海马区既可以编码空间上的记忆,
4. cue什么意思
4. 线索:在这样一个过程中必然涉及四种因素,即驱力或动机、线索(cue)或刺激、反应以及报酬或强化,就上述实验过程来讲,如果没有想吃糖果的驱力或动机,这个儿童就不去寻找糖果,因而就不可能学会在那种条件下怎样尽快得到答案.
5. cue:cornell university extender; 康奈尔大学稀释液
6. cue
6. cue:control unit end; 控制单元结束
7. cue的反义词
7. cue:the campaign for undergraduate education; 本科教育行动
8. cue:cornell universal extender; 康奈尔通用稀释液
An actor who dries up on the crucial cue for which the scene is waiting.
出自:M. RenaultCued by my mention of some of the great names, he went off into a bout of marvellous total recall.
出自:A. Cooke别人正在查