英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:36:12



英 [ˈkʌlɪnəri]

美 [ˈkʌlɪneri]


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  • 烹饪的,烹调的
  • 厨房的,厨房用的
  • 烹饪用的
  • 适宜于做菜的
  • 食物的
  • 适于蒸煮的


1. of or relating to or used in cooking

1. 烹饪的
Culinary means concerned with cooking.

e.g. She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills...
e.g. A three course dinner completes the culinary delights.

1. culinary

1. 烹饪的:Scarf围巾 | Culinary烹饪的 | Shelf货架

2. 厨房的, 烹调用的, 厨房用的:twin bill 相同球队接连举行的两场球赛 | culinary 厨房的, 烹调用的, 厨房用的 | stigmatic surface 柱头面

3. 厨房的:culex 库蚊 | culinary 厨房的 | cull 精选

Culinary historians know nothing about who first put leaf to water.(研究饮食的历史学家们也不知道到底是谁第一个把树叶泡进了水里。)
For Varian, everything - including his culinary choices - can relate to data.(对于瓦里安,一切事情——包括他选择烹饪用具——都与数据扯上关系。)
The latest mancation packages offer spiritual healing, culinary instruction, and yoga.(最新推出的项目有精神治疗、烹饪培训以及瑜伽等。)
New culinary technologies will help you go from Chef Boring to Chef Brilliant.(新的厨具技术将帮助你从一位烦恼的厨师变成一位才华横溢的厨师。)
One in five men confessed to buying in food and passing it off as their own culinary expertise.(五分之一的男性坦承在外购买食物用于宴会,并谎称是自己的烹饪杰作。)
The ultimate goal of the show is to help spread China's culinary culture to people overseas.(该节目的最终目标就是向海外人士传播中国的烹饪文化。)
Its aim was to preserve, encourage and promote local culinary specialties.(此举的目的是保留、促进和宣传本地的美食和特产。)
Tell your friends you partook of Shanghai's greatest culinary joy.(告诉你的朋友你品尝过上海最顶级的美食。)
You call the history of thousands years’ culinary culture” evil and cruel”?(难道几千年的历史,统统是“邪恶”,是“残忍”吗?)
Of course there's more to Santa Marta's culinary offerings than coffee.(当然除了咖啡外圣玛尔塔能提供的厨房美食还有更多。)
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