These ideas were not only the culmination of all those good at that age, but also possess the values of enlightening and being used for reference for modern psychological research.(这些观点不仅在当时能够集时代之大成,就是今天,对现代心理学研究仍有启发和借鉴的价值。)
They are the culmination of an ambitious international project launched two years ago by G20 governments in response to public anger over corporate tax avoidance.(它们是两年前20国集团(G20)为应对公众对企业避税的愤怒而推出的一个雄心勃勃的国际项目的结晶。)
The development of the Ordos basin reached its culmination in the sedimentary period of the Yanchang Formation and the lake basin was largest in area during the chang 7 epoch.(延长组沉积时是鄂尔多斯盆地发育的鼎盛时期,长7期湖盆范围达到最大。)
The Lotus Domino server Notes.ini values in the following sections represent the culmination of many tests and extensive statistical analysis.(下面几节中给出的LotusDomino服务器Notes.ini设置值是经过多次测试和大量统计分析后调整的结果。)
Buck Scientifics 210vgp Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is the culmination of more than 20 years success and experience as a manufacturer of spectroscopy instruments.(我们在光谱学仪器领域拥有20多年的经验,并取得了巨大的成功,210vgp原子吸收分光光度计是20年来技术的最高峰的产品。)
Looking ahead, the London session is awash in PMI data and the culmination of the EU two day summit in Brussels which could offer some volatility.(展望后市,伦敦时段有大量的采购经理人指数,还有欧盟结束为期两天的布鲁塞尔峰会。这些事件有可能带来一些市场波动。)
They involve a series of technologies such as metalworking, woodworking, lacquering and tanning, representing the culmination of science and technology of an age.(汉代的轮轴工艺已经稳定成型,它的结构包涵着金工、木工、漆工、革工等工艺内容,代表着一个时代的机械技术水平。)
It is the culmination of a year-long project that saw a fleet of specially modified cars covering 22, 369 miles of roads and snapping away at their surroundings.(它是一年来该项目的最好结果。通过它你可以看到一排改装车覆盖了22,368里的道路,轰鸣而过。)
For Kaminsky, the finding and his resulting warning to the Internet community were the culmination of an almost decade-long career as a security specialist.(对于电脑安全技术员Kaminsky来说,发现弊端并向互联网提出警告是他将近十年事业的顶峰。)
In fact, the opposite is true: when the mission reaches its climax at around 12.30pm UK time on Friday, it will be the culmination of more than two years of precise planning.(事实并非如此:英国时间周五午后12:30左右,飞船将到达其最高点,但这是两年多精确计划的结果。)
culmination是什么意思 culmination在线翻译 culmination什么意思 culmination的意思 culmination的翻译 culmination的解释 culmination的发音 culmination的同义词