英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:57:38



英 [ˈkɜ:səri]

美 [ˈkɜ:rsəri]


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副词: cursorily 名词: cursoriness

  • 英英释义

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1. hasty and without attention to detail
not thorough

e.g. a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
a passing glance
perfunctory courtesy

Synonym: casualpassing(a)perfunctory

1. 仓促的;匆匆的;粗略的
A cursory glance or examination is a brief one in which you do not pay much attention to detail.

e.g. Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut...
e.g. I gave the letter a fairly cursory reading.

1. cursory

1. 匆促,草率的:currently 目前,眼前地 | cursory 匆促,草率的 | discourse 谈话,会话,演讲,论文

2. 粗俗的:cursive writing 草书 | cursory 粗俗的 | curvature 曲率

3. cursory的近义词

3. 草率的:cursoriness 粗率 | cursory 草率的 | curst 诅咒

4. cursory什么意思

4. 匆忙的:cur跑(词根) | cursory匆忙的,a | cursive草书的a

  • 经典引文

  • Since he could not call at her father's..cursory encounters..were what the acquaintance would have to feed on.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • The whole place, as could be seen at the most cursory glance, had been laid out with skill and care.

    出自:E. F. Benson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

A cursory look at several recent polls shows that too often they are travesties.(粗略地看看最近几起的选举就会有个印象,很多时候这些选举只是作秀。)
Note: This article assumes the reader has a cursory knowledge of the WS-RM and WS-Polling specifications.(注意:本文假定读者具有有关WS-RM和WS-Polling规范的概略知识。)
Some of Mr Figes's judgments are cursory.(这可能是作品的一个缺憾——虽然很相称。菲戈斯的一些论断显得有些草率。)
With certain theories, I try to get a cursory knowledge - to understand what's apropos in the conversation.(一些必备的理论,我设法掌握一些皮毛的知识,只要我知道在对话中用对了就行了。)
The material covered in this installment has provided only a cursory glance at the basic implementation of the message bus pattern.(在这部分所涵盖的内容当中只是粗略的提供了对消息总线模型实现。)
EVEN a cursory glance at Saturn's moon Iapetus reveals it to be an oddball.(甚至只是对于土星的卫星土卫八粗略地一瞥,也足以表露出它的古怪。)
Some books are for intensive study and some are for cursory reading.(有的书必须精读,有的只要稍加涉猎即可。)
He signed with only a cursory glance at the report.(他只草草看了一眼报告就签了名。)
Indeed, your resume itself may get no more than a cursory glance.(实际上,即便你的简历本身,也最多能让招聘人员粗略地看上一眼而已。)
He signed the letters with only a cursory glance at what I had written.(他粗略地看了一下我写的内容就在那些信件上签了字。)
cursory是什么意思 cursory在线翻译 cursory什么意思 cursory的意思 cursory的翻译 cursory的解释 cursory的发音 cursory的同义词