英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:39:16



英 [ˈkju:tɪkl]

美 [ˈkjutɪkəl]


形容词: cuticular

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  • 【解】护膜
  • 【动】【植】角质层
  • 外皮
  • 【解】表皮
  • 角皮
  • 小皮
  • 薄膜
  • 表皮层
  • 壳胶膜
  • 皮上膜
  • 表层
  • 指甲边缘的硬皮
  • 指尖老皮


1. hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles

Synonym: carapaceshellshield

2. the outer layer of the skin covering the exterior body surface of vertebrates

Synonym: epidermis

3. the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail

1. (手指甲根部的)表皮,护膜
Your cuticles are the skin at the base of each of your fingernails.

1. cuticle

1. 表皮层:(5)表皮层(Cuticle)表皮层的健康情况及密度会影响到冷烫时药水渗透的时间及速度,当头发受损时,表皮层之层次会减少,冷烫药水渗透太快,往往会引起过烫的现象,应先护发再烫发.

2. 表皮:头发构造可分为三层: 最外层我们称呼为毛表皮(CUTICLE)又称(毛鳞片) 第二层:毛皮质(CORTEX)占毛发的75%至90%,包皮环切术 指手术切除部份或全部的包皮,有时阴茎腹面靠近尿道口的包皮系带(frenulum)也一并切除,

3. 角质层:头发主要的成分是角质层(cuticle)、皮质(cortex)和毛髓(medullea),兹分别叙述如下:4.月桂基硫酸化烷基醇胺(alkanolamine lauryl sulfated)市面上出售比较高级的洗发精,大部分采用它为主要原料.

The epithelium in esophagus, crop and stomach is lined with cuticle.(食道、嗉囊和胃粘膜上皮表面衬有护膜。)
The cuticle above the gland cell is obviously produced by the intermediate cell.(腺细胞上方的表皮显然是由间细胞分泌形成的。)
Fortunately the cut didn't reach the cuticle.(庆幸的是伤口没有触到角质层。)
When the trap door shuts, the plant excretes mucilage next to a special cuticle around the door, creating a watertight seal.(当陷阱阀门关闭的时候,植物在阀门周围的特殊角质层上分泌粘液,形成不透水密封垫。)
The nail plate becomes white near the cuticle and remains normal at the end.(钉板变成白色,附近的角质层停留在结束正常。)
Is there any risk associated with this activity assuming that my cuticle was bleeding at the time?(假设那个时候手指是在流血的,我是否有感染艾滋病的风险呢?)
The outer surface of the leaf has a waxy coating called a cuticle which protects the leaf.(叶子外表有一层像蜡一样的覆盖层,这个层被叫做表皮,是用来保护叶子的。)
The hard shell on a beetle is an outside protection, as is the "skin", called cuticle, of an earthworm.(甲壳虫身上的硬壳是外表保护层,就像蚯蚓的“皮肤”,它叫角质层。)
The nitric acid changed the cuticle of his mouth to a yellow color.(硝酸将他口腔里的护膜变成了一种黄颜色。)
What about the other parts of the cuticle? What should you be looking for?(有关的角质层的其他部分呢?你应该关注什么?)
cuticle是什么意思 cuticle在线翻译 cuticle什么意思 cuticle的意思 cuticle的翻译 cuticle的解释 cuticle的发音 cuticle的同义词